So I found my old Viewsonic V35, I had completely forgot that I had a PPC that still works,. In fact, I also found my prehistoric Compaq PC companion C140 palmtop
which is about one inch wider than a DS. I got the V35 after I broke the screen on my Toshiba E335, the two units are almost identical except that the the V35 has a much better display and longer battery life. I upgraded from the V35 to an Audiovox XV6600 which although it had awesome features (broadband access, camera, slide out keyboard, bluetooth, phone) was much heavier, thicker, and problematic than my previous devices. After breaking the screen on that and being screwed by Verizon as they wouldn't replace it even though I was paying for insurance I never got a newer one. Anyway, so yea I found my V35 which is now my only source of handheld gaming other than an original GBA becuase I sold my DS when I was desperate for cash. So I have PocketNES (not by loopy, PPC emu of the same name) and CEgg a GG/SMS emu, both work great once you get used to the hardware buttons being so close together. I also loaded up about 50 ebooks for MS reader, a bunch of mp3s (no video as I only have a 512mb sd card), a bunch of awesome puzzle games and I use Total Commander (file explorer) Wisbar Advance (task bar, start Menu and theme customizer) and HandyMenu to spice up the GUI.
I need a few more things though, anyone ever used Pocket PC 2002? Can you suggest some good apps?
Things I need:
An image viewer with slide show capability
A good paint app
Today screen plugins to display clock, program icons, etc.
Pocket PC 2002 RTS and FPS games
and a PDF reader
The palmtop takes 2 AA batteries of which I have none. When I get some, I'll fool around with it and blog. I only ever used the pre-loaded programs on it, so if anyone has experience with palmtop/Windows CE please advise me!
I need a few more things though, anyone ever used Pocket PC 2002? Can you suggest some good apps?
Things I need:
An image viewer with slide show capability
A good paint app
Today screen plugins to display clock, program icons, etc.
Pocket PC 2002 RTS and FPS games
and a PDF reader
The palmtop takes 2 AA batteries of which I have none. When I get some, I'll fool around with it and blog. I only ever used the pre-loaded programs on it, so if anyone has experience with palmtop/Windows CE please advise me!