Part 1 - We Talkin' About Drills and Practice

Not the games, we don't talk about the games yet. Here's how I did on the practice drills:

Pocket Presence: Culpepper only decided to do one round before giving up.
Chase and Tackle: Went all the way to All-Madden and gave my CB some extra speed.
Swat Ball: I couldn't do nothing with this Wiimote!
Trench Fight: I also couldn't capture those flags.
Clutch Kicking: Just need to get used to the Wiimote and I'll be good to go.
Coffin Corner Punt: Ok, now I got the hang of kicking and punting barely.
Ground Attack: Also went to All-Madden and oh my god that's the song from south park guitar hero!
Catch Ball: Sometimes it made me one-hand catch.


Chase and Tackle screenshot from my real Wii.


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