Nintendo Of Europe = Not Ordinarily Efficient

OK, Rant time again.....

Firstly I read about Nintendo reducing the price of the 3DS, & that they are creating the 'Ambassador' program with free game downloads as compensation.... Great - free games

Then I read that the USA gets a notification that they are in 'the program'.... OK, Hopefully those elsewhere in the world will also get it
However No-one else in the world gets it

Then I read that Australia get a 3DS Ambassador 'check webpage' ..... That'll be helpful to make sure we're in 'the program'
USA and Japan gets one - but Europe.... no sign of it
I even sent an email asking WHEN it'll appear - so far no response

THEN yesterday I read most USA are getting the downloads with little/no problems...... Excellent - no bottlenecks/slowdowns
I've checked eShop @ 6:00am [UK] 1st September...... Nothing, no notifications/downloads - absolutely nothing

Well, if this was a school then the school report may look a little like this.....

  • eShop 'Welcome to the Ambassador program' notification ....................'F' (FAIL)
    Europe 'Ambassador' 3ds check webpage......................................'F' (FAIL)
    Response to email asking why it's not showing (no reply yet)...............'F' (FAIL)
    Download content avaliable of launch date..................................'E'
    (they still got 18hours to redeem themselves, and SOME people in Europe MAY have the downloads)
    (especially IF NOE are only allowing downloads in 'serial number batches' to avoid congestion )
Must Try Harder ........​


In France, the eShop updates always come thursday afternoon, at about 5PM (local).
The games are shown but for some reason, I can't download them.

EDIT : Nevermind, In fact they're available !
You checked at 6am on the day you're supposed to get the games and are furious you didn't see them?
Oh dear.

Just give it some time, you're being stupidly impatient.
[quote name='kevan' post='3864208' date='Sep 1 2011, 06:15 AM']Maybe a little harsh but I can understand being frustrated.[/quote]Yep - surely we should've AT LEAST got the 3DS check page up BEFORE the games are released

[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3864723' date='Sep 1 2011, 02:15 PM']You checked at 6am on the day you're supposed to get the games and are furious you didn't see them?,Oh dear.

Just give it some time, you're being stupidly impatient.[/quote]Hang on though - in the USA they managed to get the games the DAY BEFORE release (according to some of the posts I've seen)... so surely NOE could've had them in place for release @ midnight of the 1st.
Also - how many times have you seen 'release date of xxxx on yy/zz day' & shops have been open @ 00:01 on that day so that people can be the first to get it ??

(Anyway - got back from work & YES they are there now.....)

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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You only like grandfather music
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    the music you heard while growing up will still be the most memorable, but sounds like dogshit listening through studio quality headwear
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    no comment on dat part

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