Nice week

So.. Where should I start.. Well I've finally been able to be a whole week in school. And we got home earlier than we should three times this week! Awesomeeee!

Tuesday, we had an exam and we got home right after that.

Wednesday, our woodwork class was canceled because teacher was sick.

Today, teachers had some weird thing and two hour canceled from us.

Been a good week but I had to do a Swedish exam this week, but I've gotten home so early that I have just skipped it. I dont get anything from doing that ( like shouting or stuff) Everything is just good with the exception of Naruto Shippuuden : CoNR 3 still havent been delivered to my house.


Aww man your getting Naruto shippuuden : CoNR 3 lucky.... I cant find it anywhere except the internet........ :glare:

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