
I thought I'd post some news.

Tempcast is underway, we have two segments recorded and we'll hopefully be doing a Live episode this Saturday around 10:30/11:30PM GMT. When we hear from VVoltz if he can make it then I'll post a front page thing with details and the time/date.

We are still looking for members to send us their segments so post them to Spikey and he'll see which ones are worth putting in. I don't know the requirements so best to ask him. Go on spam his inbox. :yay:

Was planning on posting a new song this week but my throat has closed up so you're safe for at least a week.

Retro Review is no more, I have no time to play a game and then review it afterwards. I am finding myself writing more about games then actually playing them so I want to change that.

The "11,111 Post Competition" should happen this year and I'm looking for some sexy prizes like the ones I gave away on the 10,001 compy. I may even have some prizes that may be deemed as "proper". My Mrs has a friend who used to be married to someone who works for Square Enix marketing department and he sends his kid that she had with him tons of SE promo stuff and he chucks most of it a way so I've asked if I could get the stuff he doesn't want and I may either give them away for this compy or for a future Tempcast quiz prize.

Oh yeah I got engaged so the Mrs will actually be my Mrs. :wink:

Drian117 is one hell of a lay.


[quote name='Hadrian' post='2225899' date='Sep 2 2009, 10:38 AM']Was planning on posting a new song this week but my throat has closed up so you're safe for at least a week.[/quote]
That means... still no song for me! :hateit:

[quote name='Hadrian' post='2225899' date='Sep 2 2009, 10:38 AM']Retro Review is no more, I have no time to play a game and then review it afterwards. I am finding myself writing more about games then actually playing them so I want to change that.[/quote]
Nooooo :( I enjoyed it a lot! :( Was even gonna write a review... Maybe :/

[quote name='Hadrian' post='2225899' date='Sep 2 2009, 10:38 AM']The "11,111 Post Competition" should happen this year and I'm looking for some sexy prizes like the ones I gave away on the 10,001 compy. I may even have some prizes that may be deemed as "proper". My Mrs has a friend who used to be married to someone who works for Square Enix marketing department and he sends his kid that she had with him tons of SE promo stuff and he chucks most of it a way so I've asked if I could get the stuff he doesn't want and I may either give them away for this compy or for a future Tempcast quiz prize.[/quote]
Talk about being awesome and sexay :wub:

[quote name='Hadrian' post='2225899' date='Sep 2 2009, 10:38 AM']Oh yeah I got engaged so the Mrs will actually be my Mrs. :wink:[/quote]
My congratulations for this happy event, Hadrian!! :hrth:

[quote name='Hadrian' post='2225899' date='Sep 2 2009, 10:38 AM']Drian117 is one hell of a lay.[/quote]
You're always thinking and talking about Drian117, I'm jealous :angry:
[quote name='Hadrian' post='2226038' date='Sep 2 2009, 01:11 PM']There is enough Drian to go around Rauldrian. :creep:[/quote]
I wanna change my name :( Why can't Global Mods do it? :yaypsp:

You still never responded to my last PM Hadrian...answer pl0x?

And thanks for the news update. Can't wait to hear the tempcast. ;)

EDIT: And congratulations on getting engaged!!! Although I would of loved to been the one to marry you.
Congratulations on the engagement man, fantastic news! :yaypsp:

Shame about the RGR though :sad:
[quote name='Drian117' post='2226431' date='Sep 2 2009, 04:58 PM']You still never responded to my last PM Hadrian...answer pl0x?[/quote]
I was just about to reply as well, impatient chocolate sponge. I'm weird I'm actually replying to two others at the same time as well as writing stuff on Twitter and Facebook...need to prioritise!

As for Retro Review...well even though I have no time to play and them review old games I guess if I get enough from the members here it could continue and I'll just put it together.
[quote name='Hadrian' post='2225899' date='Sep 2 2009, 10:38 AM']...I am finding myself writing more about games then actually playing them so I want to change that...[/quote]That is absolutely worth a change... I like to keep myself informed over the gaming industry but since we don`t get paid, nothing is better then experiencing the goodness of gaming, even though I really like to see news and get excited over new games (Okamiden :wub: ).

I don`t know about the Retro Review... I really liked those but I have the feeling, that nowadays many people, who grew up with the saturn/n64/psx-era or the dc/ps2/xbox/ngc-era can`t appreciate older games, even though they get good reviews... So the purpose of informing people, that didn`t experience certain retro-games maybe can`t be fulfilled (completely), which is a shame, because the people aren`t open for those games.
But I have to say, that I personally saw some games in those retro-reviews, that later on I wanted to (and partially have) experienced.
Congratulations on getting engaged Hadrian, also set an avatar for your already. It makes me awkward thinking you are naked not having one ;_;
Dunno why people are congratulating me, its Linda who is the lucky enough to have me to ask her.

[quote name='Hadrian' post='2228375' date='Sep 3 2009, 11:13 PM']Dunno why people are congratulating me, its Linda who is the lucky enough to have me to ask her.

It's that she said yes you dum-dum

Congratulations for you and the Mrs!

Yep, sad but the Retro Review Thread takes an awful amount of time..
[quote name='PettingZoo' post='2228390' date='Sep 3 2009, 02:21 PM'][quote name='Hadrian' post='2228375' date='Sep 3 2009, 11:13 PM']Dunno why people are congratulating me, its Linda who is the lucky enough to have me to ask her.

It's that she said yes you dum-dum

I knew she'll say yes after years of hinting that she wants to get married. Only asked ehr to shut her up, marriage is just a paper to me, I've already got a kid with her.
lol wow someone's got it all planned - and for years of teasing too. Congrats.

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