
Bien voici d'abord un pokémon du Prof.Orme:
Maintenant le nouveau laboratoire du Prof.Orme:
Hé bien là c'est Gold et le personnage fille:
Silver V.S Gold:
Notched ear pichu sera effectivement possible à capturer:

Merci d'avoir lu cet News
(Ces images proviennent de et d'un site Japonais dont je n'ai pas réussis à copier l'adresse du site)


I haven't seen those but I don't speak French so I can't understand what you are saying.
Maintenant le nouveau laboratoire du Prof.Orme:
i think that means wait the new lab of professor orme

i cant w8 to play soul silver silver was the best poekemon game of all time
First one of prof. O's pokémon
And now the new lab of prof O.
Here Gold and the female character
Silver VS Gold
Pichu will definitely be catchable

Thank you for reading this news
The images provided are found on.... and a Japanese site (I failed to copy the address).

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