Nate Drake Copies Guild and Makes a Blog About Playing Vita Games

So I've really been digging my Vita, especially since I got my wifi hotspot working off of my laptop and have had access to PSN and that beautiful, beautiful PS+. I bought a few games during the sale, namely:

- Killzone: Mercenary
- Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (not currently downloaded because 8GB card and too lazy to upgrade)
- Spelunky

From PS+, I downloaded:
- Soul Sacrifice
- Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed

Out of my personal collection from when I traded for the Vita, I've decided to keep:
- Uncharted: Golden Abyss
- Gravity Rush

Okay, so I've played at least a little bit of everything here except the aforementioned game that I haven't currently downloaded due to the limitations of my memory card. There's one or two PS+ games I had to ignore for now too, but they're sitting in my download list for whenever I care to give them a go.


Shit be awesome. Great stuff. Fun shooter. I had some fun online, kicked some ass. The rifles are a little too powerful and easy to use, and combined with a shotgun as secondary, it's a pretty devastating combo effective at any range. I fully support their use though because stealthing through missions and getting bonus after bonus is awesome. Picking off a head shot almost every time is great too. This game would have been worth at least three times as much as what I paid, but at $9, this was an amazing game to pick up.

Shit be difficult. Not in a bad way though. It's a fun game to give a go at when there's a few minutes to spare, or when nothing else really of importance is happening. I still suck at it, but in a way that I still like playing it. Another good deal.

Soul Sacrifice
I'll admit, I only played maybe 45 minutes of this so far. I learned the basics, did a couple of quests or missions or whatever they're called, and the game is decent. It's not really what I'm looking to play at this very moment, but I'll hold onto it for now just because the day probably isn't far off where I'll want to invest some real time into playing it. Good for what I played of it. Worth the cost of free.

Sonic and Sega and Shit
Fun racing game. Has more difficulty than the likes of Mario Kart, though the differing goals per difficulty balance this out, and the variation in land, air, and sea racing is interesting. It's a fun game just to have to periodically come back to. Good shit.

Uncharted: Drake's At It Again At Some Random Point In His Life He'll Never Speak of Again
It was fun. It was about as long and complete as the PS3 iterations, and it still looked good. The controls at times were a pain, primarily when the system was trying to use the slight tilt from me playing while laying down instead of focusing on the directional input from the analog stick. I have a hard time convincing myself that this one is worth going back through on a higher difficulty though, or to go collectable hunting, mostly due to the many arbitrary collectables. As a game standing on its own, I give it a solid 8/10. As an Uncharted game when ranked against the console games, it's more like a 7/10. Still worth owning, and if you got it for free from PS+, or free like I did via my trade that was certainly tilted in my favor, then you can't really complain. It's a decent title in the Vita library, just with a few flaws.

Gravity Rush
I got through the first other world event thing, but the game is still in my Vita for when I feel like getting back to it. It's really a great time. The controls are good for the most part, though, certain skills just have god awful control through trying to utilize the Vita's many features. This is another case of an unnecessary use of system features when, really, stuff like the gravity slide would have been much better off being exclusively a button/stick controlled move. Still, it's pretty and the combat is good, though, it really can be simplified down to primarily gravity kicks. Not without its share of flaws, it's still a good game to have in your collection. One again, if you picked this one up for free via PS+, you really can't complain.

Anyways, I'm going to buy the DBZ fighter coming out on the 28th because I like DBZ fighting games and it will be on sale for $31.99 (also a PSN only title on the Vita), though I may have to pick between having it or Killzone on my memory card right now. Hopefully it's not ragetastic like Raging Blast 2 was on the PS3.

Edit: Never mind. Early reviews are not in anyway positive. Just like I thought might be the case, this one is just another pile of crap that would end up in the $15 bin after only a month or two, were this being released physically on the Vita. I'll probably pick up Tearaway instead, or just hold off on purchasing more games until I play more of what I already have.

Other than that, I'll continue to slowly expand my collection. Seeing as I should be saving money right now, other Vita investments will become less and less frequent, but I'll still try to get my hands on stuff like Ys and Muramasa as time goes by. Like the stupid fuck I am, I'm actually looking forward to the X/X-2 HD release for the Vita as well, and may pre-order that or buy it, whichever happens to be the most relevant option, come next payday.


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  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    i want to put cookies in mine
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    External CD/DVD Drive for Laptop, Portable DVD Player for Laptop, 8 in 1 USB 3.0 CD/DVD-ROM +/-RW CD Burner,cd drive external usb cd reader Compatible with Laptop Desktop Mac,Windows 11/10/8/7 Linux
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    i hooked up my internal drive externally cus new rig does not have drive bays
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    If you have a Chinese slimline DVD drive, the usual black rectangular shell, you can swap that out for another drive if it used the same small SATA connector.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    So if one dies, swap it out. :P
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Laptops have 2.5" drive kits you can add another hdd to replace the DVD drive
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    i think some used sata for data and molex for power
  • DexterYeen @ DexterYeen:
    are yall summoning demons with these names
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    gotta be cute demons then
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    So trying dvd shrink and it just eject the DVD constantly
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    iirc, VLC player lets you rip dvd to any format, I know it lets you convert video files to any format.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Well now it's working
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @BigOnYa, I didn't know that. Thx, learnt something new today.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    CTGPDX is cool af, they added tons of tracks. I really like having the speedometer.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    Not sure why they bother with copy protection the real pirates strip that out within minutes lol
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Psionic Roshambo, Cracking them is the fun part.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    I'm not an expert cracker by any means, but I do know assembly - x86 and M68000 - so I'm aware that I'm dangerous lol.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Better than a expert mether
  • ShantaeFan123 @ ShantaeFan123:
    @SylverReZ ofc "Cracking them is the fun part." is coming from someone that likes the amiga
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @ShantaeFan123, Ofc. I own an Action Replay, a very helpful debugger tool. ;)
    SylverReZ @ SylverReZ: @ShantaeFan123, Ofc. I own an Action Replay, a very helpful debugger tool. ;) +1