I was testing DS emulator for Wii "DeSmuMe Wii" while all of sudden no more TV signal.
I look at the wii, the power is off...
I checked the power cord, but I don't think it's the power adapter.
The Wii smells a little burned, I think a chipset just died.
Or is It just the fuse ?
That I don't know... and don't know how where it's located/how to test/change it.
I'll open the Wii another day to check the inside.
Good bye Boot2 Wii, I'll miss you
Good bye my recent save games, I'll miss you too
I look at the wii, the power is off...
I checked the power cord, but I don't think it's the power adapter.
The Wii smells a little burned, I think a chipset just died.
Or is It just the fuse ?
That I don't know... and don't know how where it's located/how to test/change it.
I'll open the Wii another day to check the inside.
Good bye Boot2 Wii, I'll miss you
Good bye my recent save games, I'll miss you too
