Well, I just thought I'd share what I think the whole fuss over 2012 is about.
Note: Please have some back knowledge on this before you post!
First off, Nibiru (aka Planet X, Xena)? It ain't a comet planet, and it ain't gonna fly by the Earth, end of that story, just a really big planet way out there minding it's own business.
Nostradamus? I personally just think he was writing a story and some little pictures just as a time-killer and entertainment.
The Bible? Well, imo, the Bible's pretty retarded anyways so don't listen to it.
About the Mayan Calendar, my ideas on this are gonna sound pretty outlandish, but then again, isn't the whole idea of the world just coming to an end in 2012 and the Mayan Calendar outlandish as well? Well, you may know the theory of aliens visiting thousands of years ago to help ancient people build the pyramids in both Egypt, Mexico, and I think a few other locations. Now just imagine that that actually happened, and also imagine that they were merely just interested in our species, wanting to help further a fairly new race to the universe. Now imagine that before they left, they told stories of their race and how it had evolved, next, when they left, they told the Mayans that they would be back, in 2012. The Mayans got confused about the aliens story of evolution and thought that they were predicting their future and that they would be back in 2012, both in one story. So then they wrote the Calendar, thinking it was the future of mankind and when the aliens would return.
I'm done. Your thoughts?
Note: Please have some back knowledge on this before you post!
First off, Nibiru (aka Planet X, Xena)? It ain't a comet planet, and it ain't gonna fly by the Earth, end of that story, just a really big planet way out there minding it's own business.
Nostradamus? I personally just think he was writing a story and some little pictures just as a time-killer and entertainment.
The Bible? Well, imo, the Bible's pretty retarded anyways so don't listen to it.
About the Mayan Calendar, my ideas on this are gonna sound pretty outlandish, but then again, isn't the whole idea of the world just coming to an end in 2012 and the Mayan Calendar outlandish as well? Well, you may know the theory of aliens visiting thousands of years ago to help ancient people build the pyramids in both Egypt, Mexico, and I think a few other locations. Now just imagine that that actually happened, and also imagine that they were merely just interested in our species, wanting to help further a fairly new race to the universe. Now imagine that before they left, they told stories of their race and how it had evolved, next, when they left, they told the Mayans that they would be back, in 2012. The Mayans got confused about the aliens story of evolution and thought that they were predicting their future and that they would be back in 2012, both in one story. So then they wrote the Calendar, thinking it was the future of mankind and when the aliens would return.
I'm done. Your thoughts?