yeah so i got this notice from the university:
We have received a notice containing evidence that your York University
Airyork connection has been used to electronically distribute copyrighted
materials. This may be the result of your direct action or the nature of some
Peer-to-Peer applications which automatically redistribute the file that is being
downloaded. This complaint alleges that this action is in violation of Canadian
copyright law and also University policy. (NOTE: original complaint is available
upon request)
Infringing Date: 24 Sep 2008 13:17:38 GMT
Infringing Filename(s): Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagann_1-27-HD
As you are responsible for the use of your network connection, be
advised that violations of University policy may result in termination
of your network access privileges.
If you feel this complaint is in error or you have the authorization
to distribute this content please inform us. If not, we ask that you cease
distribution of this and any other infringing materials and request a reply
indicating your compliance.
Thank you.
CNS Information Security
heh i knew it was only a matter of time before they caught on but i don't care, my uni internet sux balls anyways. so fuck em
We have received a notice containing evidence that your York University
Airyork connection has been used to electronically distribute copyrighted
materials. This may be the result of your direct action or the nature of some
Peer-to-Peer applications which automatically redistribute the file that is being
downloaded. This complaint alleges that this action is in violation of Canadian
copyright law and also University policy. (NOTE: original complaint is available
upon request)
Infringing Date: 24 Sep 2008 13:17:38 GMT
Infringing Filename(s): Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagann_1-27-HD
As you are responsible for the use of your network connection, be
advised that violations of University policy may result in termination
of your network access privileges.
If you feel this complaint is in error or you have the authorization
to distribute this content please inform us. If not, we ask that you cease
distribution of this and any other infringing materials and request a reply
indicating your compliance.
Thank you.
CNS Information Security
heh i knew it was only a matter of time before they caught on but i don't care, my uni internet sux balls anyways. so fuck em