Miley Cyrus gets more unnecessary attention.

I originally wrote this in response to a TV News website's article, but after submitting it I got a notice that all responses must be approved by a moderator. That'd probably explain why there were zero comments on the piece.

For reference, search the web for "Miley Cyrus Salvia".

My comment follows:
For this drug to suddenly come into the US media this way, and immediately be demonized in any (semi-verifiable) way possible, is pretty pathetic. If the problem is that the video shows that girl enjoying herself on a legal drug, it's pretty stupid as news and journalism. If the problem is that the girl is famous here, fame brought about by being a former child star with a lot of child fans, and her influence makes potentially dangerous drug use look fun to those who cannot yet think carefully for themselves, the problem is not the drug. The problem is expecting and allowing children to believe in actors as a replacement for real heroes.

I used Salvia once when I was 15 years old over ten years ago. It was not on video, I have no influence, I did not cause or get into any trouble. I knew many other individuals over the internet who'd used it which is how I knew about it. I think it's just wrong to portray this particular drug as a problem like illegal hallucinogens, or huffing which is practically unstoppable without a strong parent, mentor, or counselor. It's worse that this is now being shown all over the news media this way, exposing the children who did, for some reason, still idolize her, to the video, in the context that the drug is dangerous. (As if there aren't plenty of non-drug causes of permanent psychoses as well. I knew more girls with eating disorders than drug problems in the areas where I grew up.)

Make this what it is: Kids, you will look like a complete moron and not even care, if this is the path you choose. I chose not to continue that way in my youth, good luck with your own children.


Man I forgot where I seen that picture... but I did see it.

I've gotten high in my time. But never during school years. I've never even gotten high. I wasn't a fan of the feeling afterwards where I felt reeeeally dirty and greasy and what not.
Yeah, I saw the video. She made herself look like a complete dumbass.
I don't see why kids want to look up to someone like that. How is she an idol?
Unfortunately, this is what happens to nearly every disney star these days. They turn into things not so... innocent.

My niece stopped looking up to her, thank God.
I just hope many others will do the same.
The news report I was commenting on was talking about this drug having permanent psychological effects.

This is a drug that has a high of less than an hour when used traditionally.
It is hallucinogenic and can potentially cause visual hallucinations (I did not experience them), but it's legal, and they were making the drug look as if it was on its way "as it should be" to becoming controlled like Marijuana, which I hope is as ridiculous as it sounds because Salvia Divinorum is something anyone can grow in their garden amongst other flowering plants if the proper weather and knowhow exists.

But yeah. My real point is the drug shouldn't be portrayed as the serious problem at all, but I guess the shallowness of the US broadcast news media will persist. I think they feel they really have to spin it that way because she is obviously enjoying herself. They could have taken the high road and not written a story about it, like news agencies used to do with internet gossip.
well, did you know Paris Hilton was a singer... for serious i did not know this... i was so shocked, but the whole thing made slightly more sense.
[quote name='overlord00' post='3326305' date='Dec 14 2010, 03:16 AM']well, did you know Paris Hilton was a singer... for serious i did not know this... i was so shocked, but the whole thing made slightly more sense.[/quote]

I don't get it...
So are you guys sure this is real? Since the media makes all kinds of fake shit to destroy people's reputation you know.
The video showed her taking a hit off a bong and/or how she acted immediately after (different sources edited parts out I guess). I don't think you can stage a situation where a starlet is tricked into smoking something and enjoy it on video when she wouldn't have done it on her own anyway.

And if the goal was to just ruin her, they wouldn't have disclosed that the drug was legal in the first place. They would've just assumed it was marijuana.
But it's pretty simple to get a lookalike and make her take this drug and then film it so people buy it.
[quote name='KingdomBlade' post='3326314' date='Dec 14 2010, 10:21 PM']So are you guys sure this is real? Since the media makes all kinds of fake shit to destroy people's reputation you know.[/quote]
They may make up facts or twist and bend the truth, but rarely does the media blatantly make up stories that never happened in any way shape or form to ruin a person's reputation. You can get sued big time for defamation.
[quote name='KingdomBlade' post='3326321' date='Dec 14 2010, 04:28 AM']But it's pretty simple to get a lookalike and make her take this drug and then film it so people buy it.[/quote]

If you sincerely believe that you have never seen a casting call for lookalikes. Finding a Miley lookalike of that caliber takes a lot of promotion by whoever does the video.
[quote name='KingdomBlade' post='3326321' date='Dec 14 2010, 10:28 PM']But it's pretty simple to get a lookalike and make her take this drug and then film it so people buy it.[/quote]
But why? Is it really worth making up a story that never happened and getting sued many millions of dollars for? No. It's not that unbelievable of a story and I quite frankly couldn't care less. Just another example of the media trying make a story seem more dramatic than it really is.
[quote name='nutella' post='3326332' date='Dec 14 2010, 04:34 AM'][quote name='KingdomBlade' post='3326321' date='Dec 14 2010, 10:28 PM']But it's pretty simple to get a lookalike and make her take this drug and then film it so people buy it.[/quote]
But why? Is it really worth making up a story that never happened and getting sued many millions of dollars for? No. It's not that unbelievable of a story and I quite frankly couldn't care less. Just another example of the media trying make a story seem more dramatic than it really is.

Definitely more to the point.

Celebrity gossip doesn't need to be faked. Celebrities only have the influence, in Hollywood, that is given to them.

The real lies being told by the US media are far more political and internationally effective.
I wish all celebrities / pro athletes would just keep their mouths shut and go back to being good at their professions. They get in to show business / major league sports to entertain people not to persuade the political views of people. I really hate it when they donate their faces to fund drives. It just makes me think your so fucken rich why don't you and a couple of your Hollywood big shot buddies donate your salaries for just one year and then maybe this problem would be solved.

Aaaaha. I hate celebs in the news for shit like this too. I can honestly say I never looked up to any of them as a role model. Paris Hilton should just go away who the hell is she really? Just some rich dicks stuck up twat of a daughter. She's had her 15 mins of fame.

Miley Cyrus, the media just has it in for her for some reason it seems and the average person likes to see this shit on the 6 o'clock news. Heres a tip mainstream media this ain't real news and people should not really care what the hell a celeb is doing in their private live. Hell I bet the reporter that wrote the article probably smoked a couple of fat doobies in their time.

I'm done ranting all over your thread now.
Oh no! A teen experimenting with drugs and/or alcohol?! THE WORLD IS ENDING! LOCK YOUR LIQUOR CABINETS AND KISS YOUR CHILDREN GOODBYE!

I would say it was pretty stupid for her to do it right on camera, but it's legal. The fact that people care boggles my mind. I'm reading artciles saying that THIS should cause the drug to be criminalized. A drug being criminalized for reasons that have nothing to do with health and safety... sounds an awful lot like another drug many smoke...
[quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3326282' date='Dec 14 2010, 10:46 AM']Man I forgot where I seen that picture... but I did see it.

I've gotten high in my time. But never during school years. I've never even gotten high. I wasn't a fan of the feeling afterwards where I felt reeeeally dirty and greasy and what not.[/quote]

But anyways, most people don't even care about her anymore.
Even my sister who loved her never even talks about her anymore.
Maybe this is her desperate grasp for media, otherwise she'd have likely done a more illegal drug and with
[quote name='DeadLocked' post='3329411' date='Dec 15 2010, 03:03 PM'][quote name='ShadowSoldier' post='3326282' date='Dec 14 2010, 10:46 AM']Man I forgot where I seen that picture... but I did see it.

I've gotten high in my time. But never during school years. I've never even gotten high. I wasn't a fan of the feeling afterwards where I felt reeeeally dirty and greasy and what not.[/quote]

But anyways, most people don't even care about her anymore.
Even my sister who loved her never even talks about her anymore.
Maybe this is her desperate grasp for media, otherwise she'd have likely done a more illegal drug and with

I meant during school, never gotten high. Damn comma and period next to each other. DAMN YOU QWERTY INVENTOR!

Anyways, just watched on my news. These kids seen the whole thing involving Miley and Salvia, so they decided to do it. One of the girls jumped out of her window. Not a big fall, enough to cause some bruises. It looks like she just jumped through the screen as it showed both windows.

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