After a long and arduous 2 min walk there. I purchased and walked out of the store with my white, lite and slim PSP. Once I arrived home I eagerly opened it and was a little dissapointed. The "R" and "L" buttons were floppy and the direction buttons didn't feel right either. But I shrugged that off and starting charging it. Gonna have to wait till tommorrow to try it. So far of got these emulators/homebrew for it:
-0.9 gbSP or 3.2 gbSP test 8 (Takka's unofficial build)
-Snes9x 0.4
If you know anyother decent emulators/homebrew post it here, it needs to be able to work with 3.90 M33 CFW.
-0.9 gbSP or 3.2 gbSP test 8 (Takka's unofficial build)
-Snes9x 0.4
If you know anyother decent emulators/homebrew post it here, it needs to be able to work with 3.90 M33 CFW.