Looking for an English checker

I'm not sure if the blog is the best place, but I'm trying here.
(Maybe it's better in computer forum ?)

Project :

I'm currently working on a Firefox Add-on (Automatic Save Folder).
I'm French, and try to provide both French and English localization, but I'm not fluent in English.

I'm doing the effort to translate all the add-on to be usable to everyone, but sometime I have difficulties to find how to explain things in a better, more English way.
Other localizations are (will be) made after English files, so I would like them to be understandable the best they can be. (if you are willing to translate in your own language, know that there's a lot of text!)

Current available languages : French (myself), English (Myself), Italian (Scognito, from gbatemp, but it needs a big update), Russian (someone outside of gbatemp).

Anyway, here is the job :
◘ I'm looking for someone, or more people, who are willing to check English grammar and wording after me, and rephrase few sentences if needed (It is !).
I'll check if the meaning is still corresponding to the action though

Expected experience :
- American english
- Preferably a Firefox user (to know your own menu's name etc., as my Firefox is in French I don't have a lot of experience in English interface)
- A little html understanding ( <br /> for new line, <b></b> for bold... that's all) if you are working on the source, else you can install the addon to read it and use this blog to tell me any error you find

- A plus, but not important : understand a little French, if needed to compare to original sentences meaning. But I can help myself to explain each menu and options.

Note : if not using Firefox, or not wanting to install it, you'll have to look at the source files.
Let me know if you want to work on it, as the latest files are not online yet.

Reward : Only your name in the contributor and translator list, sorry this is a free helping job
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Thanks to all three of you :)
Well, english english is good too, Grammar should be the same, and not a lot of words are different.
I'm using "colour" 1-2 times, I think the others words are commons.

What method would you prefer ?

1- installing the add-on and looking for all the text on it, while looking for every menus ?
2- looking at the sources files ? (it's a text file, with each line like this : <entity nameofthelocale "text to translate and verify is here"> )
3- Copy/pasting here the sentences I need to be checked ?

I think we can combine all of them.
installing the add-on to understand how it's working to be sure that the sentences meaning is correctly matching the options,
while looking at the source to be sure to see all the text (sometime there's tooltips, hidden features depending on other add-ons, etc.)

First, since the beginning, I always used "domain" (because French is Domaine too, so it's the first one I though in english), but recently I feel like "Host" and "Hosting name" would be better.
what do you think ?
If I change, there will be a lot of place to modify, it could create inconsistency if I forget few places. I think I'll stick with "domain".
I seem to have found some general grammatical errors on your project page

When downloading a file, Automatic Save Folder automatically select the folder where the file will be be saved to and/or where the file explorer will be opened using simple filters you set before.
you could use:
will automatically select
automatically selects

I would go with the first though

next on the features list
Let you choose from 3 folders before accepting the download:

it would be "Lets you choose" or "allows you to choose"
Thanks, I corrected all of them (website/googlecode/mozilla) ... looks like I've a problem with 3rd person's "S" at simple present D: I have to be more careful.
As for domain versus host, it depends on the context.

I think a combination of numbers 1 and 3 works well.

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