Life so far

So, Since my extreme absence from the beloved temp I have been exploring this thing called Life. WHAT IS THAT YOU ASK?! Actually its quite boring and consists of this thing called full time work. discusting stuff.

So anyways, Since I last left the temp I moved for New Zealand to Australia in hopes of becoming a successful human being, How'd that work out you ask? It didn't. I flunked it hard and hated it. SO I am back in New Zealand.

Now Im back to living with my grandparents but totally looking to go flatting with a bunch of my friends. We do cool things... Like cosplay... and Magic... LOL. AND POKEMON. Totally waiting for Black and White 2.

I turned 20 during my absence too... Pretty bummed out about being old. Didn't even get any presents. Brought myself Catherine for my Xbox 360. That was amusing.

Im single again, So whatever. Heart destroying stuff right there >Insert emo tag line< Actually Im over it, She dumped me, She got fat, Bullet dodged. LOL that sounds horrible.

Spent like, 2 months looking for a job and landing an Assistant Manager position at A store called Vodafone. Cellphone place, Dunno if you guys all have them, I know some countries do. But yeah, so this is my first full time job AND my first time in Sales with commision. So it's been an interesting time here. Pay week is always fantastic and my gaming collection is growing at a scary rate. Also my figurine collecting hobby has skyrocketing since having this magical substance called money.

So two months down the track in this job, I find myself on the temp writing about my life O_O

But here I am temp. Returned... writing blogs at work. good fun.


That title " life so far" for some reason reminded me of Jumpers soundtrack song "my day so far".

Seems life is good for you now. good.

BTW: nothing wrong with pokemon, I for example am now rewatching all those old episodes *nostalgiaflash* and gotta say: Damn, that was a quality back then.

As long as I'm the current age I can still do it, later it will be too late as sooner or later you WILL grow out of it, so I recommend to everyone, do it while you still can.
Nah, Never growing out of Gaming and Anime, Impossible I tell you.
But I see what you mean, My Poor Beyblading years are but a distant memory.

Pokemon has that special place in my heart that allows me to turn a Blind eye to the useless pokemon we call pikachu and to the ignorant trainer Ash who needs a good kick up the ass lol.

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