let's talk about feminism

oh boy getting cancelled today... so i have shitted on feminism a ton in the past but i actually haven't given my full thoughts on it so here they are, please do not harass me or anyone who comments about this topic, harassing people won't change anything, this is just a personal opinion and not fact.

feminism as a concept actually sounds good, it's defined as gender equality, i like the idea of women being able to work and to provide the same way a man does.

my only problems with the concept: i think this feminism in the past was useful, but now? as far as i know, most places in the world offer equal pay for men and women, and rights are pretty much the same. women do get more harassed sexually and im really sorry about that... but this is one of those things that sadly, you cannot actually fix. genders do have differences and this one is pretty obvious.
however men also get harassed sexually, it's a problem that has to be fixed for everyone not just women.

this feminism sounds good right? i actually think it can make the world a better place even if the concept isn't perfect...
however, most "feminists" aren't this, exhibit A: schools.

i have gone to 3 schools that are so bad at this... the first 2, if you even talked to a girl, you got sent to the principal office for harassing a girl "sexually". even if all you did is asked what time is it the teacher would just sent you to the principal. i once nicely asked a teacher what was going on and the teacher answered that they didn't want couples at school, the teacher didn't did me anything probably because i was one of the best students at that school.

the current school i am on... you can talk to girls, kinda. if you talk to one of them they are most likely to tell a teacher lies and get you in massive trouble over just lies.

there was this time where a girl entered a fight with me, the teachers were there seeing everything, she was being really violent, i just dodged and blocked her attacks not really doing any harm, at some point it got bad so i threw a punch, the teachers came in to punish me, not the girl. i acted in self defense and i got punished for it, the attacker didn't got into ANY trouble. THE TEACHERS WERE SEEING EVERYTHING IN 4K. when the teachers were interrogating me i kept screaming that they were not listening and they were punishing the worst guy since i acted in self defense, the teachers answered "Girls deserve respect." every time. did i also mention that girl tried to destroy my school supplies?

They threatened me with sending me with the principal office, I shut up in that moment. even if i wanted my school supplies back, the principal is even worse. I talked this to my parents and they obviously didn't give a shit as always but yeah this was insane. i didn't got into more fights with any girl apart from the girlfriend of my best friend, i tried to sit with my best friend to tell him about some family problems and the girl just pulled my hair really hard, she told me to go away and i complied, then a teacher appeared and punished me for fighting with a girl.

one time a friend of mine tried talking to a group of girls about homework, the girls told him to go away, and he didn't comply, so the girls went to the school principal to say that "they were being harassed sexually", knowing this i went to these girls and asked them what was going on, after not getting answers i decided to go a bit more aggressive, i took one of the sheets of paper and thew it. i asked for answers and they once again went away, this time, They Said To The Principal I Was Sexually Harassing Them. I tried to defend myself and my friend at the same time but the principal was "Girls deserve respect and your friend's issues aren't any of your business" but like they are my issue they got me into a situation and im also dragging my friend away from it??? i don't understand. the principal threatened me to call my parents which i shut up because my parents wouldn't give a shit and just go with the principal side. my friend got expelled and my grades went down.

after that thing happened i decided to talk to my best friend about it, he repeat the same words as the principal, "Girls deserve respect" "it's none of your business", after that i talked to other of my friends and they repeat the same words... is this a pattern? Yes. In the first years of school and on kindergarten, girls are taught to be gods and that you should "respect them" because a girl gave birth to you... I wasn't teached to respect men, just women. Schools are teaching boys "feminism". This is the new generation guys.

it sucks to know that this kind of "feminism" is being teached to kids.

for the last thing on my school: getting a "good girlfriend" (with good i mean a person that loves you and isn't toxic) is impossible thanks to how girls are nowadays, they either have gender problems, or are lesbians, or gossip a ton, or are like this...

This kind of "feminism" isn't about "gender equality" it's more like "harass all men" or "respect women more than men" or "all men are bad people". This is sadly what most feminists think. What can we do about this? nothing, we cant do fucking anything about this, this is a problem with our society sadly. And it seems like this kind of feminism will take over our future since younger generations are being taught this shit.

This post is just my unresolved anger with my school and the people around me... I just needed to get that off my mind :P I really wish everything could improve but nobody can do anything about this.

I bet all my money there are going to be some mean comments down here that didn't even read the post...


You were quicker than me.
After having read your profile message on the topic and the (partially) snarky comments on it I've put a blog entry about feminism – or what it has become – on my todo list.

I generally agree with what you wrote here and will still post an own entry on that topic.
Saying "Feminism is good!" is as dumb as saying "Feminism is bad!" or anything similar. As so often more than a few words and more than profile messages allow are needed to cover the topic.
It lacks proper context and any definition what feminism is supposed to be.
Those acting up quickly with snarky comments completely fail at having a differentiated look on the topic. A similar example (similar topic) can be found here. I would call it an example of reductio ad absurdum (same happened in your profile).

A much more in-depth text than I could possibly create on that topic has been provided by Christina Hoff Sommers in the form of her book "Who Stole Feminism? – How Women Have Betrayed Women" The most stunning part of this book is the year date: Is has a copyright note from 1994.

Nitpicking mode on:
Please give longer text proper formatting and capitalize the first word in a sentence. I really like to read long posts, but please consider how hard it becomes for your readers when these basics are missing. → :)
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It is kind of a sad state that your schools look like this. I suppose in Venezuela (assuming it is your country) the culture is a lot more strict and complicated than most other developing countries.

I probably cannot speak of much with these huge cultural differences, but I think the education system in general is an absolute mess that's harmful to everyone involved. I've had a lot troubles in school since the very beginning. I was getting bullied in many ways, often even by the teachers. One of the schools I was in even had a literal detainment room that I frequently landed in (pretty sure this was already illegal in the 21st century!). In the end, after multiple changes, switching to home education was the only thing that allowed me to finish school.

My mother also used to work as a teacher for the education system. It was bad for her from that side too, the work conditions were awful, and I've heard from her multiple times that she had to go out of her own way to mentally support a student whose problems were getting unnoticed by anyone else, including their own parents. My mother's field is completely unrelated to psychology.
Years ago my mother already quit working for the school, and switched fully to private lessons. My mother has a better experience, the students have a better experience and are able to learn better, she's able to earn more, there are many other advantages.
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