lets quit again

So after smoking for the past 11 years, i have decided to try and quit now. I have tried it 3 times over the past 11 years but nver had much luck due to being surrounded by smokers during that period, but after doing some reading into it only 2 days are needed until nicotine is out of the system so if i can keep myself occupied and with enough will power (saving money being that one) i hope to finally kick it. Besides that i have been getting myself some treats to help get me over it in the guise of Mario Kart Double Dash (with the Zelda Collectors Edition Bonus Disc), Zelda:Twilight Princess, God of War Collection, Rouge Leader, Super Empire Strikes Back and Yoshi's Safari. Will be interesting to be smoke free for the first time since i was 16, would be nice


Err...just a heads up, two days won't help you quit at all. Just because the Nicotine is out of your system doesn't mean your body still won't crave it.

But good luck anyways!
I was told that the best method to kick a habit is to create a new habit. Provided its a healthier/better method. Good luck! I've known some quiters who still don't smoke but they still hang with their smoker buddies and they just do with the second hand smoke which is worse o.O
Nice lungs.

Anyways, find a jar and put the money in it you used to spend on cigarettes.
That should be enough motivaton.
If I still smoked, I would try those e-cigarettes. They vaporize liquid nicotine, and the liquids aren't ****** with the chemical shit regular cigarettes are dipped in. They are expensive, so you will probably want to test one first. HOWEVER, if you test some shit out in-store, they aren't gonna let you hit some nicotine, so it's gonna be a really shitty disappointing demonstration.

The censored word is SO BAD that GBATEMP mods will edit my posts and comments if I don't muzzle myself.
I am a recovering binge eater - and I found the best way to kick an addiction was to have a healthier addiction. I used weight lifting as a way to compensate and it was addicting to have that after exercise rush.

Good luck!

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