
ok, so i know that this may seem at a bit weird, but i know that although there are many older members on here, i am aware that there are several younger ones. SO, i thought this was the ideal place to continue a project i have been given to persuade current Y9s to take a language at GCSE level. oh, and i have to mention that this is a project devised by dubit insider (

~~~intro over~~~

Hey guys, i am on a project to persuade more younger people to take a GCSE in a MFL.

you so should! its definately worth it.

i mean, we are all gaming fans here, and as you know, many games are made in japan, now although japanesse isnt an option at GCSE, once you know 1 language, others come easier!

I am taking German, its not compulsary for me, but as i want to be a journalist i am going to benefit from german

if you have any problems with a language, visit, its a channel 4 site tht should help!

so will you take a language?
and if you are an older fan, did you? was it bennifical ?


I want to take another language but I don't know if I will be able to handle all the work.
I might go talk to my key worker (lol) about it and see what she says :yay:
Spanish is really useful. They should scrap French and keep Spanish only.
It was compulsary in my school. I was crap at it, and ended up getting my only C in French. Mainly because I hated it so much and never did any work.

After turning 18 and doing some travelling I really wish i'd worked harder at the French, because I really struggled to hold any semblance of a conversation with the French people I met.

So when I started uni I picked up a Spanish course part time, and while i'm not great, it was useful in Spain, and I am getting better at it.

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