Just some stuff

Hey, Guys.

I am here to complain, so if you don't like complaints you better stop reading now.

My mom keeps saying I have a problem with the computer.
Which, Basically. I do.
But she now is only giving me 3 hours a day on a school night....
That is not the worst part. Worst part is. I have used up 1 hour of my time on it now, I am bored of it. I wanna use the other 3 hours later. But no. My mom won't let me. If I get off I feel like I am wasting my computer time......

So, I am here just bored...Basically, Nothing productive to do here.

I try having a reasonable talk with my mom about it. It's fucking impossible. She will just get all nervous and threaten to take my laptop away....It's like I cannot even discuss or even get a reason to why.

I just want to fucking know why. Am I wrong for being bored an wanting to use my time later?

I know using the computer is a privilege not a right. My mom said 3 hours. Which I accept. But I don't want to use it straight.....

Also, In December, We're going on vacation. To Florida. My parents are leaving a week early, this means I have to travel alone. That doesn't bug me. I have to focus on my exams then anyway. But what fucking pisses me off it that they're taking my laptop with them....So, no laptop for a week. No biggie. But they're also taking the mouse to the basement computer....My only question is why. When they go away they never take my shit with them....

My dad started giving me $10 a week so I can save up for a new computer. He is also giving me a bigger Hanukkah gift, as well as a bigger birthday gift. Makes me happy.

We also have a deal on top of this one, So if I get /really/ good marks this year in grade 10 the day we get that report card I will have the computer. But my dad said if I don't get /really/ good marks our other deal still applies...

He made a promise to me that if I save till 2012, By then I will have that computer for sure. So, I have to work extra hard now.I

So, last year I said to myself "I don't think I will really have at home problem ever" I wouldn't call this a problem, but my parents (mom) never set this many rules at a time.... Like I currently have so many fucking rules about the computer. I will list some

Rules: that invole the computer being taken away if broken:
If I forget to close my closet door (1 week no internet)
If I leave one piece of clothing on the floor (1 week of no internet)
If I keep my systems plugged into the wall when not in use (4 days no electronics)

I find way's to get around all this. But still...I never had this many rule before...

Anyway, some good stuff is

I am getting all my math tests in the high 80's
Understanding History a bit better
Science I finally finished my mailbox
Made some new friends in school

That is basically it.



[quote name='iFish' post='3252207' date='Nov 9 2010, 01:54 AM']In December, We're going on vacation. To Florida.[/quote]
You can visit VGP :3
Trust me, you could use some time away from the computer.

Although I do lol a bit since my parents don't put restrictions on, well, anything I do (particularly computers) since it's never really affected my social activity or grades and I also know more about computer than they do.

But yeah, take some time off the computer and get with your life off the internet.
i love being an adult. i get all the nets i want, which is too much actually.

i guess not having some nets could be nice. i live my inlaws for a month or so and they live on a mountain with only dsl as a possibility. they didnt have it when i stayed there! it was kind of nice. but still boring.

either sneak it in or obey the rules, thats the way it is when you are a kid.
Lucky. As I said on Twitter, I only get one hour a day. Two if I can sneak it in. I AM ANNOYED.
Those rules sound like such a pain. Parents get mad at such little things sometimes. But why don't you just buy some cheapo mouse and use that on the basement computer?

Glad I get to use the computer for however long I want, but I usually get off it voluntarily since I get bored with the internet easily (haha).
She's just worried about your social life.

If you have no social skills, you won't land a job ever. Also, a lot of people tend to equate social interaction with happiness, so she probably thinks you're unhappy.

You could probably use some time away, make some friends, but it doesn't really work that way in reality. You'll probably just move away from the computer to the TV, and nothing changes except you, ironically, are separated from people that you talk to.

Bleh. Sorry this all sounds so...juvenile, but I'm sleepy.
Now, I understand that your parents may want you to not be on the computer so much but those kinds of punishments for doing something as LEAVING YOUR FUCKING CLOSET DOOR OPEN?!

Sory, I'm kind of baffled, but then again, I don't know what your living situation is like so yeah. But it's a fucking CLOSET for God's sake and you'd lose the Internet for a whole damn week if you left the door open? Fuck that.

Thing is, you're a teenager. Parents (particularly moms) can become mean during this time, but this is just crazy that you'd lose a priviledge for a whole week for something as dumb as leaving your closet door open. I'd lose something for a week if I had intentionally lied to my parents about something or if I did badly in school.

But as bad as it is, things will/should get better as you get older and become more responsible. Talk to your mom and ask her why she's set all these rules all of a sudden. Do this in a REASONABLE manner though; getting mad at her will only piss her off.

Good luck, man. Sorry you're going through this.
[quote name='monkat' post='3252494' date='Nov 8 2010, 10:48 PM']She's just worried about your social life.

If you have no social skills, you won't land a job ever. Also, a lot of people tend to equate social interaction with happiness, so she probably thinks you're unhappy.

You could probably use some time away, make some friends, but it doesn't really work that way in reality. You'll probably just move away from the computer to the TV, and nothing changes except you, ironically, are separated from people that you talk to.

Bleh. Sorry this all sounds so...juvenile, but I'm sleepy.[/quote]
How is that juvenile? I found it insightful.
[quote name='Scott-105' post='3252505' date='Nov 8 2010, 11:59 PM']How is that juvenile? I found it insightful.[/quote]

Not the content, the writing. My words should be akin to the wind rustling through some leaves - peaceful and beautiful. My mind, however, needs rest. Simple sentences are all that I can muster.
[quote name='monkat' post='3252494' date='Nov 9 2010, 11:48 AM']She's just worried about your social life.

If you have no social skills, you won't land a job ever. Also, a lot of people tend to equate social interaction with happiness, so she probably thinks you're unhappy.

You could probably use some time away, make some friends, but it doesn't really work that way in reality. You'll probably just move away from the computer to the TV, and nothing changes except you, ironically, are separated from people that you talk to.

Bleh. Sorry this all sounds so...juvenile, but I'm sleepy.[/quote]
I agree with this. Probably why you are bullied because you keep away from IRL people and just stay with electronics :O
The whole "not learning social skills on the internet" thing is such a lie.

I was shy as fuck before I went on the internet. Talking to pretty much anyone was impossible, going up in front of my class was impossible, making friends was near impossible.
But after years and years on the internet, i'm quite good with social interactions. I know how things work, how people work, how to act, how they act, what to say, etc, and I never learned any of it from real life.
Sure, I could have learned in real life, probably easier, but to say you learn nothing socially from the internet is bullshit.
But parents don't understand that at all. Most don't understand the internet.

Anyways, those rules are shitty. As a smart ass solution for your closet, you could always remove the closet door.
I had to deal with a lot of incredibly stupid punishments as well. Hell, I was banned from my computer from grade 8-11 pretty much, excluding summers and weekends. Not for any real reason other then it "impeded my learning".
If I forget to close my closet door (1 week no internet)

Is leaving your closet door really that big of an issue? Or is your mom just an uptight cunt?
[quote name='iFish' post='3252207' date='Nov 9 2010, 02:54 AM']If I forget to close my closet door (1 week no internet)
If I leave one piece of clothing on the floor (1 week of no internet)
If I keep my systems plugged into the wall when not in use (4 days no electronics)[/quote]wat

Your Mum's a dick.

Make her read this topic.
One easy simple solution.

Get a job and pay for your Internet plan.

Until then, deal with it.
[quote name='Overlord Nadrian' post='3253615' date='Nov 9 2010, 02:55 PM'][quote name='iFish' post='3252207' date='Nov 9 2010, 02:54 AM']If I forget to close my closet door (1 week no internet)
If I leave one piece of clothing on the floor (1 week of no internet)
If I keep my systems plugged into the wall when not in use (4 days no electronics)[/quote]wat

Your Mum's a dick.

Make her read this topic.
I can't be the only one who thinks those particular points are reasonable...
Specially the keeping the systems plugged into the wall thing.
[quote name='Crass' post='3253597' date='Nov 9 2010, 06:50 PM']
If I forget to close my closet door (1 week no internet)

Is leaving your closet door really that big of an issue? Or is your mom just an uptight cunt?
Viva la menopausa?
My parents, to be fair, also take away my computer time after a while, but instead of making it a deal about how much time I'm on throughout the day, it's about when I'm on. Therefore, the cables for me are cut after 11 PM on weekdays only. This is not an inconvenience, because I'm so tired from school and other chores by then, I'll drop into bed willingly. And, it sets my mind to finish all studies/Internet "necessities" (nothing on the internet is absolutely necessary, amirite?) before 11 PM, then just sweep myself under a blanket.

IMO, you need to properly negotiate with your mother, and formally agree to discuss the rules and possible punishments without a risk of your bias being a criminal act. If you can show, with a full tenacity and reason in every good argument that you can present to her, be it statistical (global and local examples) or self-experienced factors, you could get a better situation than the one you're currently reflecting in this blog. In my own experience, this has worked very well if you have parents that can listen to you (My father isn't the greatest example. Let's just say you don't teach an old dog to sit).

A few months prior to this blog, my internet time was at an all-time low of 8.30 PM, Monday thru Saturday. This changed when I took a proper discussion with both of my parents and showed that I was accepting of the situation I was placed into, but had the ability and proof that with a few more hours, I could still do good at school, and be social outside the internet. They could regard you using too much internet as a counter-argument. But I think you could argue with saying that the Internet has helped your social skills through internet forums such as GBATemp (such as a tl;dr post like this one). The internet doesn't constitute of only trolls and /b/tards; they're all deviously genius underachievers IRL.

On the other hand, I don't own nearly as many electronic appliances as you do. My phone is a Sony Ericsson from 2007, my own PC is from 2005, and I'm probably not getting an upgrade until my birthday. I only have one single iDevice, which is my iPod Classic, and it's my most cherished music player, aside from my guitars. The TV in my room is an 20" fat 4:3 TV, from 1998, and it has a GameCube. My only portable gaming system is a Phat DS from release date with a broken hinge and a DSTT. I pay for most of my own devices, and am responsible for them myself. This sort of makes it hard to place myself in your situation. This doesn't mean I'm jealous, though; I'm happy with what I have. :D
[quote name='prowler_' post='3253630' date='Nov 9 2010, 02:04 PM']One easy simple solution.

Get a job and pay for your Internet plan.

Until then, deal with it.[/quote]

How would that be useful? She takes my whole laptop....
If I pay for the internet, and she takes away my laptop it is kinda useless.
They say "Violence never solves anything", but I don't like all-encompassing statements... so try some violence.

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