Jump Ultimate's Move File

So a while back Hunter helped me with a sprite format for a JUMP Ultimate Stars. After that cooled down I started looking at the file that controls the movesets for the characters.

This file sucks. It looks to be using control codes, and null terminated arrays...

I attempted to write a quick move viewer but I don't really know how to start with my lack of coding knowledge...
I'd test all this stuff but I need to write an importer for the alar archives.

For Hex Workshop my editor of choice
#include "standard-types.hsl"

#pragma byteorder(little_endian)
#pragma hide()

typedef struct Node{
	char	Node[4];

typedef struct Flag{
	word	Unknown;
	zstring	String;

#pragma show()

struct ALMT
		char					ID[4];
		byte					Unknown;
		byte					Unknown;
		byte					NodeCount;
		byte					MoveCount;
		dword				   FlagCount;
		Node					Node[NodeCount];
		dword				   DataOffsets[MoveCount];
		word					FlagOffsets[FlagCount];
	Flag			Flags[FlagCount];

struct MOVE
	ubyte			Unknown; //Move Number
	ubyte			Unknown[3]; //File

	ubyte			Field1;
	ubyte			boolean1;
	ubyte			Field2;
	ubyte			boolean2; //Allow Player Movement??
	ubyte			Field3;
	ubyte			boolean3;
	ubyte			Field4;
	ubyte			boolean4;
	ubyte			Field5;
	ubyte			boolean5;
	ubyte			Field6;
	ubyte			Field7;

	ubyte			Field8;
	ubyte			Field9;
	ubyte			Field10;
	ubyte			Field11;

	//This sucks and I know it sucks. It's also probably not right, as well as hacky.... Someone shoot me!

	switch (Field10)
	case 4:
		ubyte		Unknown[4];

	ubyte			Unknown;
	ubyte			Unknown;
	word			Unknown[Field6];
	word			Unknown[Field7];

	switch (Field1)

	switch (Field2)

	switch (Field3)

	switch (Field4)

	switch (Field5)

	switch (Field6)

	switch (Field7)


Apart from being my first Blog post...

The Move file for Jump Ultimate Stars pretty much controls everything about every move in the game. Breaking that file would allow almost complete editing of characters.
That would be so cool if we could add anime characters to this game :P but it sounds really complicated adding characters to the menu and etc.
Just leaving this here to help me figure out unknown parts of the file format.
This is the moveset of Bankai Ichigo. Each movetype seems to have it's own set of arrays, references, and other such funstuff.

Move Number	Frames		Move Type		Description	Notes
M0			0-3			20			Idle	
M1			4-11			20			Run	
M2			12-13		0C			Teleport	
M3			14-16		0C			Block	
M4			17-18		8			In-Air-Up	
M5			19			4			In-Air-Maximum??	
M6			20-21		8			In-Air-Down	
M7			22-23		8			Landed	
M8			24			4			Landed-Recover??	
M9			25			4			Platform-Drop??	
M10			26			4			Unknown Move?? Status??	
M11			27			4			Unknown Move?? Hit??	
M12			28			4			Unknown Move?? Big Hit??	
M13			40			4			Unknown Move?? Status??	
M14			36-37		8			Electric Flicker	
M15			29-31		10			Bounce Full	
M16			29			4			Bounce-Up	
M17			30			4			Bounce	
M18			38-39		8			Bounce-Up Electric Flicker	
M19			32-35		10			Spin-Air	
M20			41-43		20			Ledge-Stick	
M21			44-49		18			Ledge-Up -> Roll	
M22			50-53		10			Roll	
M23			54-57		10			UnRoll	
M24			58-65		48			Taunt?	
M25			66-72		30			Victory?	
M26			73-76		26			Lose?	
M27 (30)		77-82		22			Attack	
M28 (31)		82-93, 152		5F			Overhead Twirl	Freaking Huge Data Chunk; Reference Hollow Ichigo?
M29 (32)		94-99		1F			Attack	Reference Hollow Ichigo?
M30 (33)		100-107		67			Attack	Reference Hollow Ichigo?
M31 (34)		78, 108-113	23			Attack	Reference Hollow Ichigo?
M32 (35)		114-120,122	6A			Attack	No frame 121?? Goes-[122, 114-120, 120, 115-120] 
M33 (36)		121-128		31			Part of some move….	Hell if Iknow what move though…
M34 (37)		129-137		47			Ground Stab	
M35 (38)		138-142		1A			Jump Slash	
M36 (39)		143-151		5D			Run Slash	Looks to repeat the running bit
M37 (40)		100-107		53			Same as Move 30??	Same frames, different data….
M38 (41)		0-12			43			??	Don't know why they are doing this? Cutscene maybe?
M39 (42)		13-22		39			??	Don't know why they are doing this? Cutscene maybe?
M40 (43)		0-12			41			??	Don't know why they are doing this? Cutscene maybe?
M41 (44)		13-19		5E			??	Don't know why they are doing this? Cutscene maybe?
M42 (45)		0-12			4C			??	Don't know why they are doing this? Cutscene maybe?
M43 (46)		13-20		3B			??	Don't know why they are doing this? Cutscene maybe?
M44 (51)		160			4			Grappled	
M45 (52)		161			4			Grappled	
M46 (53)		162			4			Grappled	
M47 (54)		163			4			Grappled

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  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Every console has shovel ware which most agree are all poo
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Switch 2 will be your most powerful handheld (most likely) but Nintendo has always been a generation behind Sony/ Xbox, so doubt it will get the newest of games, n if it does, will be a watered down version, like Switch 1 got
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Most powerful hardly series x specs will still crap on it
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Most powerful handheld I said. I imagine it won't last long tho, ROG or Steamdeck 2 will prob overpower it. I will prob buy a switch2 tho, gotta have that Mariokart 9.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I kinda doubt that also Asus will keep releasing or if Xbox doesn't come out with some handheld by then
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Og switch was kind of the first most powerful option for it's portability time
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yea Sony and Xbox working on a handheld now even.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Going to be good times for the portability market though I could see some type of vr/handheld hybrid device
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    That would be cool
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Same old stuff gets so played out kind of like smartphones now
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm thinking of selling my current drum machine, piano keyboard, and few synthesizers, and buy a new $699 drum machine/ workstation. Downsize but upgrade. But like any device, ill never get the money I paid into it. Hard to let stuff go for half what you paid.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    https://a.co/d/cUeVFEO lol brother p touch
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Skelletonike, I only played Digimon world ds
  • Pae @ Pae:
    anyone know if the cmd resistor exists on a v1 switch
  • Pae @ Pae:
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Pae, you're welcome
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Something I don't like about playing on my game tv stick is that theres sometimes an input lag of 1 entire frickin second.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Good night
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    @K3Nv3, just my opinion but more games on the platform does increase the odds of some of them being awesome
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    A 12,000 in one odd of finding not a shit game good luck
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Just like how og Xbox has about 3tb worth of games and only 500gb worth of goodies it's not going to be any different
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    It's realistic thinking not that I don't want good ones
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    A double negative
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: A double negative