So a week ago i banged on here how i would give up smoking, and just 24 hours shy of a week i can still brag i am an ex smoker. After trying various methods in the past to quit including using "will power" and nicotine replacement therapy and even going to see my doctor who's helpful advice was "if you can afford to smoke you can afford to stop smoking", I decided to try the Allen Carr method which concentrates on the reasons why you smoke instead of the reasons you shouldn't and i am suprised how easy it is, yes i still get pangs in my body for nicotine but i have found having a glass of orange juice takes care of those. Besides that i have had to treat myself to help pick up the mood such as clothes shopping but right now I feel in a better place, lot happier and the energy level is crazy, I barely sleep 4 hours now but it is some of the best sleep I have had in years and keeps me going all day, I am thinking it can only get better