is that fanboyism ?

so can someone define fanboyism for me ? i feel like i just read it in the youtube vid comments .
and i just realized some people are tied so down to games ...
they will literally feel emotional for something in a game . like i'd understand, it's like a movie at some point, but honestly, you are gonna cry ?


i subbed to a youtube user, but then i decided to upload the ones from more popular sources.

so what do you guys think ? would you honestly, cry when you watch this trailer? and another question, when games get too competitive, are they still fun? just wondering what your opinions are .

EDIT: i must say though, Bungie made one of the best CG i've seen in a while


That's definitely (spelling = right?) not fanboyism, I'm not a halo fan at all, and I loved this this trailer.
Didn't make me cr, but I can easily imagine people who do, NORMAL people :P and not fanboy-ish people.
Beautifull stuff makes people emotional, this was beautiful, thus it made people emotional.
Some people react more emotional or less emotional at stuff. The people you think they might be fanboys, are just pretty much emotional (and youtubers, whatever they write is pretty much almost lied :P)

What I saw in the trailer, because it was so realistic, was REAL war, and that's sad...
It made me pretty emotional too :P but no crying :D
quick replies ...
reading the comments brings me to other people's channels .
some worth subbing to, some are just average .

how about if someone starts dissing another game then says it's not worth it over this other game O_O? [ie. Halo Reach > Black Ops]
Fanboyism is just being incredibly into something (openly).

Some fanboys are fine, and will just support, and love a series. Praise it, defend it, all that. I do that with Tales games. I openly call myself a Tales fanboy.

But a lot of fanboys take their affection a little too far and they let it blind them. They think what they like is the ONLY thing to like. If there is something in competition with it, it automatically is absolute trash and no where near as good as what they like.

It's honestly hard to describe fanboy since it's such a blanket term these days considering how much variety you can get among fanboys.


As for the trailer, it definitely didn't make me cry. But it was cool.
Getting emotional over movies/games/books isn't exactly irregular though. If it's something that has you immersed and invested in the characters, if something bad happens, you're bound to get a little emotional, lol.

Halo Legends got to me really bad for that. Specifically the story "Homecoming" I shed a man tear for that indefinitely.

it's not about fanboyism though. It's about immersion. The better you can immerse yourself in a story, the more the emotions tied to it will affect you.
Fanboyism... when a person is really into something- as Hells Malice said. Anything does not belong to the exact same brand as the one the fanboy is fanboying for, is trash. Nothing can be as good as the things from that brand. Nothing was, is, can and will be better than that brand to the 'boy. A fanboy likes to boast his brand, and is likely to start flamewares because the brand they're 'boying for is often not liked by the majority. He often writes the bad things about his brand off as "it's a feauture, not a shortcoming!". Fanboyism is mostly found in Brand vs Brand threads, like Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo, Windows/OSX/Linux and Mac/PC, however, can be found in almost every thread where someone asks which software to use, which phone to buy, and which game is the bestest ever.

Need moar?
I think there is fanboyism and flameboyism :

[quote name='Hells Malice']fanboys are fine, and will just support, and love a series. Praise it, defend it, all that.[/quote]

That's fanboyism

[quote name='Hells Malice']They think what they like is the ONLY thing to like. If there is something in competition with it, it automatically is absolute trash and no where near as good as what they like.[/quote]
[quote name='Berthenk']Anything does not belong to the exact same brand as the one the fanboy is fanboying for, is trash. Nothing can be as good as the things from that brand. Nothing was, is, can and will be better than that brand to the 'boy. A fanboy likes to boast his brand, and is likely to start flamewares because the brand they're 'boying for is often not liked by the majority. He often writes the bad things about his brand off as "it's a feauture, not a shortcoming!"[/quote]

That's flameboyism

Remember kids, to be a fanboy is good, to be a flameboy is lame.
oohh .
cleared up a LOT .
i never knew fanboyism had another type which was flameboyism .

so whenever i read a thread about PS vs Xbox, that could be considered both fanboyism and flameboyism depending on how far the conversation gets or how serious a person is .
It was like watching a football game...

Oh! He's going for it, theres the juke, and He's down. Fumble! Theres only 10 seconds left in the 4th quarter! And a quick recovery by Random Space Marine #2! He's going all. The. Way! TOUCHDOWN!!!!

And the definition of a fanboy is to like something to the point of not liking and dissing everything else that isn't the thing you like.

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