I'd like to spit nintendo in the face...

Everything began yesterday at 3pm (GMT+1), when I bought a "Nintendo Points Card 1000" to later buy majoras mask in the wii VC shop.
I went home and used the provided code to get the 1000 pts credited. Well, until then everything was great, because then I tried to buy tloz:mm, but I was refused to download it, because "I wouldn't need to pay for the title again.". I was like WTF, because I hadn't installed the game before, and there should be no reason for that error message...
Then I went into the transaction management thingy inside of the shop and it seemed like the 1000 points were spend for mm, which couldn't be downloaded before.
So I thought that I could maybe download it a few minutes later, when I tried it again and - ta-dah - the page for mm tells me, that I have to pay 1000 pts in order to download it.
Wheeeeeeee, 10€ gone for nothing.

Well, I'm really pissed and I'm going to phone the nintendo customer service when I wake up. :/

*sneaks under his blanket and tries to sleep*


I could do exactly the same, yesterday I used the online Wii Points for Stars thingy, I'd finally got enough stars to buy 1000 wii points. So, I log on and, just as I click the finish button, the next page that loads up is a message saying the website is down for maintenance??? I reload, and what d'ya know, my stars have been taken, but no wii points!! :angry:
[quote name='darkangel5000' post='1883448' date='Apr 6 2009, 08:34 PM']Everything began yesterday at 3pm (GMT+1), when I bought a "Nintendo Points Card 1000" to later buy majoras mask in the wii VC shop.
I went home and used the provided code to get the 1000 pts credited. Well, until then everything was great, because then I tried to buy tloz:mm, but I was refused to download it, because "I wouldn't need to pay for the title again.". I was like WTF, because I hadn't installed the game before, and there should be no reason for that error message...
Then I went into the transaction management thingy inside of the shop and it seemed like the 1000 points were spend for mm, which couldn't be downloaded before.
So I thought that I could maybe download it a few minutes later, when I tried it again and - ta-dah - the page for mm tells me, that I have to pay 1000 pts in order to download it.
Wheeeeeeee, 10€ gone for nothing.

Well, I'm really pissed and I'm going to phone the nintendo customer service when I wake up. :/

*sneaks under his blanket and tries to sleep*[/quote]
PC emu is your friend.
How about you all stop pissing and moaning and actually contact Nintendo about your issues, hm? Shut the fuck up and actually DO something to try and remedy the situation instead of acting like angst-y 13 year old girls. Accidents happen and things like this happen all the time with digital distribution and such.
Well, if they won't help you out, then install Twilight Hack and just get the wad for the game. You'll get free VC/WiiWare downloads out of it and Nintendo will be losing out on your money. Win win for you.
[quote name='Beware' post='1883475' date='Apr 6 2009, 06:50 PM']How about you all stop pissing and moaning and actually contact Nintendo about your issues, hm? Shut the fuck up and actually DO something to try and remedy the situation instead of acting like angst-y 13 year old girls. Accidents happen and things like this happen all the time with digital distribution and such.[/quote]

How about you shut your yap and let him moan?

People are bound to be mad when something like this happens and he's rightfully venting.

And you knew what was up when you clicked on the thread anyway.
Seriously dud stop the bitching. I understand where your coming from. I'd be pissed at hell too. But just do as you said; call Nintendo. If you like there games or not, it don't matter. Nintendo has the BEST customer service. They will be understanding of your situation 100%. And quick question. Hae you installed ANY wads recently. Its possible you may havve downloaded a wad with a MM inject or just a wad with MM's game id.
[quote name='dinofan01' post='1883793' date='Apr 6 2009, 10:11 PM']Seriously dud stop the bitching. I understand where your coming from. I'd be pissed at hell too. But just do as you said; call Nintendo. If you like there games or not, it don't matter. Nintendo has the BEST customer service. They will be understanding of your situation 100%. And quick question. Hae you installed ANY wads recently. Its possible you may have downloaded a wad with a MM inject or just a wad with MM's game id.[/quote]

That I can believe, sometimes homebrew can block an legal action. Just uninstall the homebrew buy the game then reinstall it back. Also it can be that you didn't update the Wii >.>

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