Basically this is what I think. I wanna believe in this Digimon world because my life sucks ass. It does.
I used to have a dream that when I felt really bad I would not die but I would wake up as a ghost like
stuck in kind of limbo. Like I would live in normal world nobody would not hear me or see me but I just
could go anywhere and do anything but I would not die and I would hear people thoughts in this parallel
world. It was my fantasy dream until I watched couple Digimon episodes.
My digimon world
One day I would go into this Digimon world just in case because I would have the pure heart which is needed
to tame Digimons. Digimons would appear like in those 3D sequences and not like cartoon style. Then I would
not go back into real world ever because I would be there having fun with my Digimon pal and smoke some
Digiweed with him. Then we would fight against all the monsters that are trying to destroy the Digiworld and
finally we would won all the obstacles and we would have great time in Digiworld. I was about to write a story
about how would I have great time in this Digiworld. Btw. I hope this is not going to end up in the Somethingawful
dickhead place because those guys are so evil dickheads. I feel like this world has nothing for me and Digiworld is
great place but I wanna go there for real and not just in a dream.
My Digimon would be Agumon. Agumon is bad-ass digimon and he would never tease me and make fun of me.
And ofcourse we would smoke digiweed! Btw. I look like normal guy I'm not fat, I don't like animu and I don't play
much videogames but still idea of parallel world to ours which I would be hero is so great. And I do believe in Digimons.
I think I once saw Koromon or maybe it was just a dream. My dreams are so realistic anyway.
Anyway we (me and Agumon) would sometimes just kick Patamon ass because he is just so lame Digimon. Then we
would smoke Digiweed and just chill out. So watch out. Someday I'll be there in the Digiworld just because this
world sucks ass and laughing and having fun with Agumon.
I used to have a dream that when I felt really bad I would not die but I would wake up as a ghost like
stuck in kind of limbo. Like I would live in normal world nobody would not hear me or see me but I just
could go anywhere and do anything but I would not die and I would hear people thoughts in this parallel
world. It was my fantasy dream until I watched couple Digimon episodes.
My digimon world
One day I would go into this Digimon world just in case because I would have the pure heart which is needed
to tame Digimons. Digimons would appear like in those 3D sequences and not like cartoon style. Then I would
not go back into real world ever because I would be there having fun with my Digimon pal and smoke some
Digiweed with him. Then we would fight against all the monsters that are trying to destroy the Digiworld and
finally we would won all the obstacles and we would have great time in Digiworld. I was about to write a story
about how would I have great time in this Digiworld. Btw. I hope this is not going to end up in the Somethingawful
dickhead place because those guys are so evil dickheads. I feel like this world has nothing for me and Digiworld is
great place but I wanna go there for real and not just in a dream.
My Digimon would be Agumon. Agumon is bad-ass digimon and he would never tease me and make fun of me.
And ofcourse we would smoke digiweed! Btw. I look like normal guy I'm not fat, I don't like animu and I don't play
much videogames but still idea of parallel world to ours which I would be hero is so great. And I do believe in Digimons.
I think I once saw Koromon or maybe it was just a dream. My dreams are so realistic anyway.
Anyway we (me and Agumon) would sometimes just kick Patamon ass because he is just so lame Digimon. Then we
would smoke Digiweed and just chill out. So watch out. Someday I'll be there in the Digiworld just because this
world sucks ass and laughing and having fun with Agumon.