I tried a device that uses the parallax barrier screen today

I wasn't aware that I'd try a screen like it before getting the 3DS but it was pretty impressive. The device that was using it (some Fujifilm camera) didn't seem that great though. To get the effect, it had to take two shots consecutively which was odd because it didn't just do it at the same time. That caused either the picture to become off and have messed up 3D. Also, I can see how peoples eye's hurt after trying out the 3DS for a prolonged period of time. But to be honest, I think I got used to it already when trying the camera out.

The effect, though, is pretty awesome and I can't wait to game on it on the 3DS :D I just pre-ordered my today due to the Japanese launch


This tech is imperfect at the least.

The 3DS merely does it better (I hope) but that doesn't make it perfect
The fact that it takes pictures at separate times is why it seems off. The best way to get a 3D picture is having both pictures taken at the same time.

Fortunately, the 3DS does that.

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