I have not forgotten about this game I am making


But no change to the car's scaling?
I think it would be better if it was a tad bigger. Seems like an rc car in a road.
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But no change to the car's scaling?
I think it would be better if it was a tad bigger. Seems like an rc car in a road.
Yeah, the car scale is relative to the lanes and the trees so it will be bigger. roughly by 4x times. or 1/4 of the width of the 4 lane road. road width will be the same as in the video.
I haven't touched this code in like 2 months
Only 2 months? That's nothing! :PI haven't touched my project for at least 14-16 months now! :blush:

But seriously, it looks really good! Gives me a sort of Vectrex vibe...:D
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    SylverReZ @ SylverReZ: @BigOnYa, Lmao that's funny