I had my wisdom teeth removed

I had my wisdom teeth removed on wednesday and my gums are swollen a good amount and it fattens up my normally skinny face and it makes me look like a chipmunk lol. Overall it doesn't hurt terribly, but it does make it so that i can't open my mouth to wide otherwise it starts hurting. Also, what i can eat is really limited. For breakfast I only had a little bit of juice today (compared to me normally eating cereal and soy milk) and for lunch and dinner I had a little bit of noodles cooked really mushy so i wouldn't have to chew. Aside from that I eat a lot of ice cream and yogurt. It wasn't a terrible experience but I'm glad I got it over with before cross country started (which begins next week btw!) and it's only a one time thing.


Just avoid sucking (especially using a straw and smoking) and spitting for a couple more days.

So what are you planning to eat before cross country, a full meal or something like protein drink?

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  • Payne @ Payne:
    No worries. whoever wants to play DL1 just add me/followe me or whatever
  • Payne @ Payne:
    And hope everyone is having good day
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Payne, I can't play the game anyways, my PC won't run it and we can't buy stuff online in my country, and also I have to spend 5 usd to be able to send friend requests on steam
  • Payne @ Payne:
    What GPU do you have?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Payne, check my signature
  • Payne @ Payne:
  • DemiV @ DemiV:
    @Xdqwerty paying to send a friend request? wtf kind of bs is that, is that how steam itself works in your country, or something to do with your ISP restricting/metering you?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @DemiV, there you have the info
  • DemiV @ DemiV:
    interesting. it seems you can still accept them on your end though.
  • DemiV @ DemiV:
    and use quick invite, apparently
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @DemiV, yup, I can accept friend requests and thats why I have 3 friends on my account
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @K3Nv3 I registry edited, and installed win11 on a old laptop that not win11 cpu compatible (Intel i3 6006U) last night just to see. Installed and runs fine, even win updates no prob. Think ima go head and update my old tower pc also just to see (Amd FX 8530)
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Figures, I could of saved money by not buying/ building new pc's just to be Win11 compatible. Oh well, these new pc's so much faster anyways.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    wth I got logged out
  • handy333 @ handy333:
    WIIU files can't handle brackets. Just a FYI.
    If that's a PPC thing (or Mac and Linux) it's news to me.
    That's it. Bye.
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    it kinda sounds off
  • handy333 @ handy333:
    After first playing Spec Ops The Line, it took me way too long to realize that it
    wasn't a first person shooter.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    https://a.co/d/gPTz7aY $120 honestly isn't that bad for you weirdo fanatics
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Scrapped my truck over the weekend, and today I sold the tonneau cover for the bed for another $80, hell yeah
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Now I just have to sell the front brake parts
    I bought and never installed
    Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy: Now I just have to sell the front brake parts I bought and never installed