If anyone read my last entry about the farm work, this is what I ended up working in today.
A balmy ~70 degrees Fahrenheit. Light cloud coverage, sunny otherwise. Wide open field. Gorgeous weather. An unbelievably beautiful breeze. I got out of the Bobcat Toolcat (a diesel work utility vehicle), fired up the weed whacker, cut for maybe 20 feet and just stopped and looked out at that scenery. Compared to Target, where yeah, I deal with electronics stuff, and I'm the most knowledgeable person in the subject that they have employed, I put up with peoples shit all day long. Here, I'm by myself. Nobody to bitch at me. Nobody to give me orders. I have one task, and when I'm done, I call the farm owner and ask him what he wants me to do next. I work when I want for however long I want. I got out of that Toolcat, looked around, and I was actually pretty damn happy with doing this work.
It was great. Shoveling alpaca shit and cutting down weeds might not exactly be my career choice, no, but I am glad I jumped at the opportunity to do all of this.
And I think that [member='Vulpes Abnocto'] can appreciate these working conditions as well, based off of the work I've heard him talk about with the farm animals he deals with.
A balmy ~70 degrees Fahrenheit. Light cloud coverage, sunny otherwise. Wide open field. Gorgeous weather. An unbelievably beautiful breeze. I got out of the Bobcat Toolcat (a diesel work utility vehicle), fired up the weed whacker, cut for maybe 20 feet and just stopped and looked out at that scenery. Compared to Target, where yeah, I deal with electronics stuff, and I'm the most knowledgeable person in the subject that they have employed, I put up with peoples shit all day long. Here, I'm by myself. Nobody to bitch at me. Nobody to give me orders. I have one task, and when I'm done, I call the farm owner and ask him what he wants me to do next. I work when I want for however long I want. I got out of that Toolcat, looked around, and I was actually pretty damn happy with doing this work.
It was great. Shoveling alpaca shit and cutting down weeds might not exactly be my career choice, no, but I am glad I jumped at the opportunity to do all of this.
And I think that [member='Vulpes Abnocto'] can appreciate these working conditions as well, based off of the work I've heard him talk about with the farm animals he deals with.