Happy Lunar new year GBAtemp!

Just came back from dinner with my family. Happy Lunar New Year to our asian tempers! :toot:


Happy Lunar New Year! :toot: :toot:

How was dinner? I didn't go anywhere today :/ I woke up feeling tired, went to school and has a miserable day, came home, took out my laptop, played gaems, and my mom told me it was New Years. I hope my birthday's a bit better xDD
Dinner was great, thanks. BTW it was a snow day for me today so I got the day off :)
[quote name='ron975' post='3435572' date='Feb 2 2011, 09:41 PM']Dinner was great, thanks. BTW it was a snow day for me today so I got the day off :)[/quote]
I used to live in Michigan, now live in Georgia, and will move soon, dunno where yet.
While I'm at school being miserable, my friends are playing in the snow >:(
Happy Lunar New Year!

I already had my reunion dinner more than 12 hours ago(time zone differences lol). Gonna go visit some relatives later!
As a game head I'm afraid of the moon. I can't help it. You start talking about the moon and all I can think is either 'Lunar Cry' or even worse, Termina. Or Zeromus. Or Proto-Babil. Why does the games industry have such a problem with the moon?

Happy lunar new year anyway, to those of you whose minds are not conditioned to fear the moon yet.
Ok then, would you prefer the term Chinese new year?
BTW, about to have another reunion dinner.
Wait, Lunar New Year is the Chinese New Year?
I prefer the term "Lunar", it doesn't seem so foreign to me now.

Anywho, Happy Lunar New Year!
Selamat Tahun Baru Cina!
Happy Chinese New Year!
Gong Xi Fa Cai!

to all Chinese member on this forum. :)

恭 新 龍
喜 年 馬
發 快 精
財 樂 神

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