Oooh I haven't played Kingdom of Loathing in ages. I think I'll make myself a new account since the email I used for my old one is defunct and hell if I remember my account lol
XD FFVII is good but it gets a little overrated by fans. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but I don;t hold the delusion that it's an insurmountable masterpiece.
Man, looking back in retrospection, I'd much rather live with those YT comments than live with... well, you know quite literally every bad choice companies have made and how crappy they have become within 4 years..!
oh yeah @Xdqwerty remember that time I got angry at you for always saying you are horrible? yeah I was kinda hungry and tired, and hungry and tired Kirbydogs is comparable to 5-year-old Kirbydogs