Got another Wii!

Ok, as most of you know, I can't make up my mind when it comes to keeping/selling/buying stuff. I realized on Friday, that I don't even play my Xbox 360, nor do I even want to anymore (Online gets boring, and is really pathetic with glitchers/hackers/any other form of cheater). I asked my friend if he wanted to buy it for $300 (Console, hard drive, cables, Halo 3 and COD:WAW, controller/headset). I figured this was a deal no one can refuse. So he bought he, and last Sunday night, when I got the money from him, I went to go buy a Wii. I called before hand of course, and they had a ton of them in stock, so I was happy (I wasn't sure if there was still the Out-Of-Stock issue). I get down to K-Mart, ask the lady to get a Wii and SSBB out, and I paid for it, went home, and played until 10 PM (I hate school nights). All-in-all, I'm glad I have the best, in my opinion, current-gen console again.

Also, please don't post anything rude about me selling my Xbox 360, iPod Touch, or 'launch' Wii, I really don't want to hear it...

EDIT: I'm also getting Animal Crossing: City Folk in a week, or whenever my Goozex points come from my two trades.


Well, this is the blog section, where you blog stuff about your school, work, etc.. I figured I'd post the good news (Well, to me at least)
Nice, well done ;)

My 360 is currently collecting dust :( And I still have to play RE5 :lol:
[quote name='War' post='1964168' date='May 6 2009, 10:06 PM']Stupid decisions +1[/quote]

Agreed. I wish I could get rid of my Wii for another 360. The Wii has like 20 good games tops. and a crappy online service.

Just stating my opinion.
And of course, even after I said not to post anything rude (Yes, War, this is directed to you), you still do. I really don't care what people say (Most of my friends said it was stupid, but I'm just not an Xbox person at all), but it's annoying to hear it all the time from people...
If you don't want negative comments, then why even post it in a public forum?
TDWP FTW has blogged his opinion of the Wii here.
This is off the other threads so it doesnt interfere with other topics elsewhere

Selling a 360 and buying a Wii is cool for some people. Some people think it is a stupid decision.

Here is the right place to speak up.

@TDWP FTW: I would have definitely traded my Wii for your 360 2 months ago.
I gave my Wii away as I thought it was a total waste of hard earned money. There was not too many games I considered "replayable" and a good portion of the graphics in games had that "Disney Daytime Animation for Kids TV Show" look to them. Some games were cool but far and few between these types of titles/quality to consider it a machine for me to keep.
I have friends that own a Wii and think it is the best gaming system ever. They play it once a month...tops.... but they are die hard Wii fans.

Congrats on the new Wii.
Just about everyone on this board has a computer already
Some computers arent connected to a TV
Nor are they setup to be played from a couch
*some are

Not all the games on Wii (or 360 or PS3 for that matter) are available on the PC

But good luck saving for your PC - I hope its a good one
Yeah, I already have a nice gaming laptop, and I didn't want anything else, so I got another Wii (Which I softmodded on Sunday, and burned a few games yesterday, and found some I burned for my first Wii).

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