here's my rambling on about my mom again.
Anyway, she's OBSESSED with Oprah. She watches the show everyday, and it's like her sacred hour; she won't move from the couch and can't leave or be bothered by anyone. Anything she sees in that show she believes and tries to replicate in her own life. It's ridiculous how much that show affects my mom.
Example 1: She saw an episode on "Myspace safety" and proceeded to question me for about an hour on if I had a myspace, if I was telling people my age, etc etc. I hate how shows like that depict ALL teenagers as stupid fucktards that go online and take nude pictures of themselves, give out their address, etc.
Example 2: They had a special on healthy foods, and apparently they said that soy milk is much better for teens than regular milk (which is probably bullshit). Anyway, since then, my mom stopped buying regular milk and has forced me to replace it with soy milk, which is disgusting.
Well today, they apparently had a show on how to save electricity, and some woman was on preaching about how before her electricity bill was over 250 dollars, and then she started unplugging all her appliances when she wasn't using them and she started paying only 50 dollars. (Which again, I believe is bullshit) So now my mom is going on about how we're so financially unstable right now and we need to start "spending less" - as if we weren't doing that enough. She says I can only have my computer on for a limited time every day, and I cannot leave it on overnight any longer. THAT SUCKS. I download all my games, movies, and anime at night, and there is no other time for me to download stuff. I can't download while I'm at school because my mom sits on the couch all day browsing the internet, and if I leave my computer downloading stuff it will "slow down her internet". I can't leave it on at night because it "spends too much electricity". And I can't leave it downloading stuff when I get home from school until night time because that's when I use it for homework and such. :\
Every time some shit like this happens, I always get so angry at my mom for moving here to LA... she thought everything would be so much better, but that was such a stupid idea. We had a great life back in Vegas - we had a 3 bedroom house all to ourselves and the rent was dirt cheap, we didn't have to worry about unemployment, bills, anything... my school was awesome, I had tons of friends... Now we moved and it's like going back 20 steps.
Anyway, she's OBSESSED with Oprah. She watches the show everyday, and it's like her sacred hour; she won't move from the couch and can't leave or be bothered by anyone. Anything she sees in that show she believes and tries to replicate in her own life. It's ridiculous how much that show affects my mom.
Example 1: She saw an episode on "Myspace safety" and proceeded to question me for about an hour on if I had a myspace, if I was telling people my age, etc etc. I hate how shows like that depict ALL teenagers as stupid fucktards that go online and take nude pictures of themselves, give out their address, etc.
Example 2: They had a special on healthy foods, and apparently they said that soy milk is much better for teens than regular milk (which is probably bullshit). Anyway, since then, my mom stopped buying regular milk and has forced me to replace it with soy milk, which is disgusting.
Well today, they apparently had a show on how to save electricity, and some woman was on preaching about how before her electricity bill was over 250 dollars, and then she started unplugging all her appliances when she wasn't using them and she started paying only 50 dollars. (Which again, I believe is bullshit) So now my mom is going on about how we're so financially unstable right now and we need to start "spending less" - as if we weren't doing that enough. She says I can only have my computer on for a limited time every day, and I cannot leave it on overnight any longer. THAT SUCKS. I download all my games, movies, and anime at night, and there is no other time for me to download stuff. I can't download while I'm at school because my mom sits on the couch all day browsing the internet, and if I leave my computer downloading stuff it will "slow down her internet". I can't leave it on at night because it "spends too much electricity". And I can't leave it downloading stuff when I get home from school until night time because that's when I use it for homework and such. :\
Every time some shit like this happens, I always get so angry at my mom for moving here to LA... she thought everything would be so much better, but that was such a stupid idea. We had a great life back in Vegas - we had a 3 bedroom house all to ourselves and the rent was dirt cheap, we didn't have to worry about unemployment, bills, anything... my school was awesome, I had tons of friends... Now we moved and it's like going back 20 steps.