Commence short-ish post. And numbered bullet points.
1. I hate relationships. I really do. I've never been in one myself, but I hate them. I mean, all you do is go out on dates, hug, maybe kiss, and then go home. Then there's some complicated gubbins (love that word, btw) that are too complicated to be dealt with, and then you break up and the cycle starts again. Okay, so if you're asking why I hate relationships and have never been in one..long story short, every time I've been asked out on a date has always been some form of joke and there were no serious takers. No interest, ever. So yeah. I hate relationships. They're satan. Begone, satan. Begone. Seriously.
2. I hate my life with the burning passion of a thousand suns. I mean, I have no work ethic, and I'm lazy as hell. I can't even bring myself to use the oven and I've never even touched the washer/dryer. I don't have a job, don't ever want one, and then expect to live in a gorgeous house with everything I ever wanted. Alone. (Note: Reason why alone? Check 1.) Seriously, I know that's not going to happen, but I'd rather just get money. No welfare, no borrowing, no job... Just have money. For what reason? I don't know, just let it be a steady income. I just hate my life so bad.... :\ Hell, even living on the streets right now would be an improvement, and I'm living just as I've ever wanted right now with my parents. O.o
3. Fuck horror. Seriously. There has NEVER been anything scary enough to scare me. Never. Jump scares startle me. No, Silent Hill didn't scare me. Neither did Resident Evil or Dementium or The Grudge or whatever other fucking scary thing you can think of. Fuck it. I mean it. Horror has always been a pansy-boat, and it always will be.
4. Argh. My meals are bland and becoming tasteless. I need something to spice it up with. So I asked my friend earlier and he said to turn my Ramen into some other iteration that was simply putting the liquid in another bowl and dipping the noodles. What the fuck? That's not spicing it up, that's making eating last longer. I don't know what crack he's on.... And then, he suggested Ramen sammich. What the hell. And then I found more asian food. Damnit. Why can't my walmart stock good asian food? I mean, we get cup ramen, ramen package, and chow mein. The rest is shit, fortune cookies, and the occasional box of pocky. Damnit. Fuck food. I'd rather be on an increasingly embarrassing feeding tube.
5. IMHO, quote of the week should be "Can my R4 play WarioWare Snapped?". I seriously saw that on some random forum today. Someone answered with the technical form of no. The question was asked again. Someone else answered no. The question was asked again. Then they said something along the lines of "What does the camera not working have to do with Warioware Snapped?".
Commence end of short-ish post. And numbered bullet points.
1. I hate relationships. I really do. I've never been in one myself, but I hate them. I mean, all you do is go out on dates, hug, maybe kiss, and then go home. Then there's some complicated gubbins (love that word, btw) that are too complicated to be dealt with, and then you break up and the cycle starts again. Okay, so if you're asking why I hate relationships and have never been in one..long story short, every time I've been asked out on a date has always been some form of joke and there were no serious takers. No interest, ever. So yeah. I hate relationships. They're satan. Begone, satan. Begone. Seriously.
2. I hate my life with the burning passion of a thousand suns. I mean, I have no work ethic, and I'm lazy as hell. I can't even bring myself to use the oven and I've never even touched the washer/dryer. I don't have a job, don't ever want one, and then expect to live in a gorgeous house with everything I ever wanted. Alone. (Note: Reason why alone? Check 1.) Seriously, I know that's not going to happen, but I'd rather just get money. No welfare, no borrowing, no job... Just have money. For what reason? I don't know, just let it be a steady income. I just hate my life so bad.... :\ Hell, even living on the streets right now would be an improvement, and I'm living just as I've ever wanted right now with my parents. O.o
3. Fuck horror. Seriously. There has NEVER been anything scary enough to scare me. Never. Jump scares startle me. No, Silent Hill didn't scare me. Neither did Resident Evil or Dementium or The Grudge or whatever other fucking scary thing you can think of. Fuck it. I mean it. Horror has always been a pansy-boat, and it always will be.
4. Argh. My meals are bland and becoming tasteless. I need something to spice it up with. So I asked my friend earlier and he said to turn my Ramen into some other iteration that was simply putting the liquid in another bowl and dipping the noodles. What the fuck? That's not spicing it up, that's making eating last longer. I don't know what crack he's on.... And then, he suggested Ramen sammich. What the hell. And then I found more asian food. Damnit. Why can't my walmart stock good asian food? I mean, we get cup ramen, ramen package, and chow mein. The rest is shit, fortune cookies, and the occasional box of pocky. Damnit. Fuck food. I'd rather be on an increasingly embarrassing feeding tube.
5. IMHO, quote of the week should be "Can my R4 play WarioWare Snapped?". I seriously saw that on some random forum today. Someone answered with the technical form of no. The question was asked again. Someone else answered no. The question was asked again. Then they said something along the lines of "What does the camera not working have to do with Warioware Snapped?".
Commence end of short-ish post. And numbered bullet points.