Gagaga Gagaga GAOGAIGAR

God damn that song is catchy.

Anyway, I'm happy - the snow is finally melting - it took me forever to get to work yesterday...

In other news, volume 5 of Gurren Lagann (manga) arrived! ...but I still don't have volumes 3 or 4. :cry: Such torture...

In case you guys didn't read it under the video in my blog post, my girlfriend and I may be going to Katsucon 2011 this February.

..Yeah. Don't have much to say.



About GGG
11 introduces something that gets referred to later.
15 brings up something and has an interesting section.
17 introduces new things but isn't terribly important.
18+19 are the first episodes that link together and also introduce something new.
21 finalizes on the solution to the problem brought up in 15.
23 introduces new characters.
25 reveals new things brought up in 23.
27 starts a proper story arc...actually things get real at this point basically. You can watch everything from this point on.

If that's still too much to trudge through for you then you can just watch 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27+
Hah! You cut down like...20 episodes to watch into 9.

MUCH more watchable.
Actually, on the super short version throw episode 15 in.
Might seem same as usual, but you'll understand why at the end.

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