Ye gads! I think this game is almost perfect!!!! I'm sure many of my friends would disagree, mainly because the game doesn't involve shooting bullets and killing people every 2 seconds but to me a story is what I want in a game. FFXIII delivers me an epic tale I'm really enjoying, all the characters are likeable (they sometimes act like pricks but usually there's some reason for it) and I want to know what's going to happen next.
Let's just get on with a bit of "reviewing"
Graphics - I like this game's graphics, they look amazing on my small 720p screen in the 360 version. There is the odd horrid texture noticed during cutscenes but during actualy gameplay everything's too far away to notice anything really bad. The character models are amazingly detailed down to the hair (best looking hair in a video game I've seen, the detail in Sazh's 'fro is amazing)
Gameplay - Enjoying using the Paradigms and the new system. Its a perfect synergy of ARPG and traditional ATB movement (unlike that godawful hybrid that was FFXII) Paradigms are well implemented and very essential to the combat I just have 1 bugbear about it. Why can't I continue if my "leader" is knocked out in battle and other party member's are still alive? Its understandable in the Eidolon battles where if your leader gets KOed they would become a C'ieth but in normal battles it just annoys me, can't it just switch me to another member?
Storyline: As I said, epic. Character's are developing very nicely so far, though I can see the resemblance between Lightning and Cloud (the remit was to look to make a "female Cloud Strife") as they're both hardened soldiers who at first appear to be hard and coarse but have glimpses of softness every now and then. Snow's hero attitude gets annyoing and he acts completely stupidly at times but its for love and there's probably some act he feels guilty for in his past that he wants to try and repay for by saving everything. Sazh is definitely the most down to earth of the characters and the ground of the team, there's something buried in his past as well judging by a speech he gave to Hope at one point. I really want to see how these characters change as the game goes on and find out the true purpose of their becoming L'Cie.
Let's just get on with a bit of "reviewing"
Graphics - I like this game's graphics, they look amazing on my small 720p screen in the 360 version. There is the odd horrid texture noticed during cutscenes but during actualy gameplay everything's too far away to notice anything really bad. The character models are amazingly detailed down to the hair (best looking hair in a video game I've seen, the detail in Sazh's 'fro is amazing)
Gameplay - Enjoying using the Paradigms and the new system. Its a perfect synergy of ARPG and traditional ATB movement (unlike that godawful hybrid that was FFXII) Paradigms are well implemented and very essential to the combat I just have 1 bugbear about it. Why can't I continue if my "leader" is knocked out in battle and other party member's are still alive? Its understandable in the Eidolon battles where if your leader gets KOed they would become a C'ieth but in normal battles it just annoys me, can't it just switch me to another member?
Storyline: As I said, epic. Character's are developing very nicely so far, though I can see the resemblance between Lightning and Cloud (the remit was to look to make a "female Cloud Strife") as they're both hardened soldiers who at first appear to be hard and coarse but have glimpses of softness every now and then. Snow's hero attitude gets annyoing and he acts completely stupidly at times but its for love and there's probably some act he feels guilty for in his past that he wants to try and repay for by saving everything. Sazh is definitely the most down to earth of the characters and the ground of the team, there's something buried in his past as well judging by a speech he gave to Hope at one point. I really want to see how these characters change as the game goes on and find out the true purpose of their becoming L'Cie.