FFS I Hate Ice Monsters That Throw Wind Stuff

Started The Oath of Falghana today and was already kind of angry that the only download I could find was an undub. It isn't that hard to enjoy the game dubbed over. I dislike people with a constant need to undub every game they can get their hands on. It's just annoying for the rest of us who like understanding what is being said without having to read it.

Anyways, that aside: I got to the end of the first mine to the big ice monster thing and was reminded of why I quit playing Ys II. Magic, magic, magic; too much reliance on fucking magic. I just hate the stuff in near every game that utilizes it. Action RPG's are prime offenders of poor use of magic though. It is REALLY hard to time the fire right so that I can do a whole 11 damage and not only 2 or 3. As I get more and more angry, I start doing worse, and now I have to take a break.

tl;dr - Action RPG's should quit trying to use magic. I have yet to play one where it really works. Weapon skills, fine. Plain 'ol magic just blows.

Edit: I won. I used my mad skills and triumphed.


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    The_Dizzy_Vizzy @ The_Dizzy_Vizzy: @kijetesantakalu042 Take care big fella, see you in the forums!!! :) +1