I don't understand why COD: MW2 is so popular.

I can empty an entire magazine into somebody's head (true story!), then he'll turn around and get me in two shots. Then theres the rifle grenade.

People use them all the time no problem, but when I use one they only get scratched then kill me. ...even if it's a direct hit.

Not to mention the one-sided killstreaks. If your opponents get killstreaks before you, that's it. They'll prevent you from getting your killstreaks, AND rack up more kills so they can get better killstreaks, then kick your ass some MORE.

Ther's also the people that come around a corner and somehow know you're there and get you with one shot. Doesn't matter if YOU see him and pull the trigger, he's gonna kill you first and get away with a bloody screen.

And the PC CoD's have always had dedicated servers. Login, find a server with low ping, go. You could also find customized and modded servers. Now THOSE were fun! Now it's just log in, choose a mode, and let the sh*tty IWnet find a game. 8 times out of 10, it's going to have high ping and be really laggy. I've literally stood in front of somebody, knifed him five times in a row, then he died. Then he killed me. :huh:

Sometimes you can find a game that's been hacked, but the one I stumbled onto was just a neverending domination to rack up your EXP.

Ooooh, the hackers. Have you ever gone against someone that can shoot straight through the terrain and get a headshot? Then get any killstreak they want?

And what happened to capture the flag? That used to be THE most popular mode in all previous FPSs (Tribes, Unreal, etc.), but in CoD: MW2 hardly anyone plays it! 19,871 are playing Team Deathmatch, but only 812 are playing capture the flag?

So, F*CK MW2! What would be cool is a CoD like the original one, but with modern weapons! That would be EPIC!


Phew... Sorry... Rant over... Had to get this out of my system :glare:


lol after all the cheaters, hackers and other annoyances I found in MW2 I traded i back in and got MW1 and CoD2 (my favourite CoD of all time) both of these are a blast MW1 for the maps and CoD 2 because its just pure awesomness anything past MW1 is just crapola in all honesty
Umm don't they have some type of UAV in that game? Enemy tracker? I can actually discover someone in MWR before I can see them so it's not entirely cheating. Also, bullet lag is pretty popular among CoD games. You gotta aim a bit ahead of them for shots to connect. My RL friend plays MW2 for Ps3 and likes it, but an internet friend just thinks it's annoying.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I played the game (while at a friend's house), and I found it impossible to play, either because I suck at it somehow (I dominate at MW1) or the fact that half the games were as laggy as SHIT and I seemed to die at random points for no reason. I prefer MAG well over MW2, mainly because you can play with a bunch of people, and there literally is NO lag to speak of. I will never buy MW2 for the life of me.
[quote name='chrisman01' post='2603643' date='Feb 16 2010, 10:23 PM']Ther's also the people that come around a corner and somehow know you're there and get you with one shot. Doesn't matter if YOU see him and pull the trigger, he's gonna kill you first and get away with a bloody screen.[/quote]
Maybe because of the heartbeat sensor?

I actually chewed on my controller because of the frustration MW2 brought to me... Not the smartest thing I've ever did :P
MAG really that game is the worst crap ever no team balancing thats crap
On the ps3 i dont have lag issues are you guys on PC the game chooses the person with the best internet connection but im not sure about the pc version
Any of you guys hate harriers thats the only problem i have with the game harriers are to good to be 7 kills
So I'm guessing your opinion has changed from your previous post?

My problem most of the time was, HOST MIGRATION FAILED, and 1337 haxxorz all over the place when I was playing, both which would probably be fine with dedis... but no point in complaining now.

Isn't there a particular killstreak build people use to rack up easy kills to get the tactical nuke?

Capture the flag is a pretty awesome game mode, but I actually played Onslaught most of the time in Unreal.

Also, I've been playing the Bad Company 2 Beta and the dedis are lovely. Some of them are ONLY 16 ping since the servers are in Dallas! Pretty cool game for my first Battlefield game, though I'm sure I shouldn't compare it to BF2 since... that had more features... I guess I should say.
[quote name='TheWingless' post='2603724' date='Feb 16 2010, 05:13 PM']So I'm guessing your opinion has changed from your previous post?

My problem most of the time was, HOST MIGRATION FAILED, and 1337 haxxorz all over the place when I was playing, both which would probably be fine with dedis... but no point in complaining now.

Isn't there a particular killstreak build people use to rack up easy kills to get the tactical nuke?

Capture the flag is a pretty awesome game mode, but I actually played Onslaught most of the time in Unreal.

Also, I've been playing the Bad Company 2 Beta and the dedis are lovely. Some of them are ONLY 16 ping since the servers are in Dallas! Pretty cool game for my first Battlefield game, though I'm sure I shouldn't compare it to BF2 since... that had more features... I guess I should say.[/quote]

HAHA, hellz ya it's changed! That was when I though I was just a n00b, but now I see that the game is just crap.

And those people that come around corners don't have heartbeat sensors, and it's almost never when they have UAVs. I never hear the announcement that the enemy UAV is airborn before something like that happens.
You should play Battlefield 1943. It's seriously one of the best multiplayer FPS games I've played.
[quote name='War' post='2603764' date='Feb 16 2010, 11:36 PM']You should play Battlefield 1943. It's seriously one of the best multiplayer FPS games I've played.[/quote]
After playing the Bad Company 2 Beta for PC, i can't wait for 1943! :D
the number of cheaters on MW2 is annoying. and the console is new to many people, so the hosts are usually players that are new to the console system. when ever a hacker is in the server, the hosts are either:
1. hacking as well
2. don't know how to use or what the console is

i am moving back to mw1... and am planning on trying out bad company 2 once the official game is released. i am happy i didn't waste my money on mw2. i knew it was going to have massive hackers and cheaters messing the game up.

oh and for me, hehe. i am saving up my money for final fantasy xiii, then after that, i will save up for halo reach.
I agree, its a good game but its so popular. Everybody on my friends list is playing it 24/7! Sure, its good, but there are lots of other great games out - borderlands, uncharted 2, bioshock. I have it, and I play it sometimes since multiplayer is pretty fun. The killstreaks are way overpowered though and unfair.
Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox isn't much better. No matter what you do there's some cockmongler who comes out of nowhere and brutally murders you. There's also no fucking chance of recovery if you don't buy the game on release. Kills are always pure coincidence. And then there's the nuke. Yeah, who wouldn't want to end the game instantly?
[quote name='TheWingless' post='2603724' date='Feb 16 2010, 05:13 PM']Also, I've been playing the Bad Company 2 Beta and the dedis are lovely. Some of them are ONLY 16 ping since the servers are in Dallas! Pretty cool game for my first Battlefield game, though I'm sure I shouldn't compare it to BF2 since... that had more features... I guess I should say.[/quote]
I get around 45ms on hardcore servers, and they aren't even in the same country! :O

If you haven't played Bad Company 2, play it now! :D
[quote name='chrisman01' post='2603643' date='Feb 16 2010, 04:23 PM']I don't understand why COD: MW2 is so popular.

I can empty an entire magazine into somebody's head (true story!), then he'll turn around and get me in two shots. Then theres the rifle grenade.

People use them all the time no problem, but when I use one they only get scratched then kill me. ...even if it's a direct hit.

Not to mention the one-sided killstreaks. If your opponents get killstreaks before you, that's it. They'll prevent you from getting your killstreaks, AND rack up more kills so they can get better killstreaks, then kick your ass some MORE.

Ther's also the people that come around a corner and somehow know you're there and get you with one shot. Doesn't matter if YOU see him and pull the trigger, he's gonna kill you first and get away with a bloody screen.

And the PC CoD's have always had dedicated servers. Login, find a server with low ping, go. You could also find customized and modded servers. Now THOSE were fun! Now it's just log in, choose a mode, and let the sh*tty IWnet find a game. 8 times out of 10, it's going to have high ping and be really laggy. I've literally stood in front of somebody, knifed him five times in a row, then he died. Then he killed me. :huh:

Sometimes you can find a game that's been hacked, but the one I stumbled onto was just a neverending domination to rack up your EXP.

Ooooh, the hackers. Have you ever gone against someone that can shoot straight through the terrain and get a headshot? Then get any killstreak they want?

And what happened to capture the flag? That used to be THE most popular mode in all previous FPSs (Tribes, Unreal, etc.), but in CoD: MW2 hardly anyone plays it! 19,871 are playing Team Deathmatch, but only 812 are playing capture the flag?

So, F*CK MW2! What would be cool is a CoD like the original one, but with modern weapons! That would be EPIC!


Phew... Sorry... Rant over... Had to get this out of my system :glare:[/quote]
dang,i'm glad I only play console games,and not PC games anymore. always had hated the hackers in games,so I hacked the hackers,so they could get a taste of their own medicine,but I went too far, then one hacker reported me for hacking,and I reported him to,in the end,we both got banned.....o.O. NEVER hack online...
I personally quit online multiplayer on FPS' in general BECAUSE of MW2. Free-For-All was nice the first few weeks then it got stupid.
Now all the info I get from multi games are from my friend, who quit MW2 also because of how lame it got.

Also, if you haven't seen this.. lol
[quote name='War' post='2603764' date='Feb 17 2010, 08:36 AM']You should play Battlefield 1943. It's seriously one of the best multiplayer FPS games I've played.[/quote]
My favourite Battlefield would have to be 1942, so good especially on a LAN with friends.
FPSes are just getting boring and more broken and the only FPSes that I ever enjoyed were the 2 Gundam Side Story games for the Saturn and Dreamcast.
stoped played MW2 cuz only idiots who can´t team play, plays every one run for them self trying to get the best kill count sure if it was FFA but please why can´t they work as a team in S&D or such?? Killzone 2 man every one there knows how to play as a team. Even Mag suck 128 ppls and every one running around trying to get most kills it is like a big chicken house with crazy chickens and the team lose I hate to fend for my self agnist 8 others player while my team mates are ruing around playing. can they not make a based FPS game ?? or take away the team stuff on all games and only have FFA cuz very few ppls play as a team
[quote name='Duero' post='2604073' date='Feb 16 2010, 08:26 PM']stoped played MW2 cuz only idiots who can´t team play, plays every one run for them self trying to get the best kill count sure if it was FFA but please why can´t they work as a team in S&D or such?? Killzone 2 man every one there knows how to play as a team. Even Mag suck 128 ppls and every one running around trying to get most kills it is like a big chicken house with crazy chickens and the team lose I hate to fend for my self agnist 8 others player while my team mates are ruing around playing. can they not make a based FPS game ?? or take away the team stuff on all games and only have FFA cuz very few ppls play as a team[/quote]

If you want an FPS where players use tactics and work together, try the Tribes series. Old, but many still play them!
It deserves its accolades for sure. I like the game. It's definitely a worthy successor to the original Modern Warfare (mostly... that Story mode was cheesy and short).

It's all in the marketing, and they've definitely done a good job advertising this game with all its "special editions", and friggin' Happy Meal toys they come with. Not to mention, it's Call of Duty. It's gonna get some free attention because it's a Call of Duty game.

So if I were to be stoic about it, I can't say that this game franchise doesn't deserve all the fame it has....

...But it still makes me mad. :angry:

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  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Skelletonike, The snake in the video is a cobra, and they are venomous.
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    It looked like one, hence the question.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Appears to be filmed in South East Asia which are known for quite a lot of them.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Cobras all over the place.
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Can't throw a cobra without hitting several other cobras.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Don't know why I'm up at 6am getting snow off my car when we're predicted to get more and I'm not going any place
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Don’t have these kind of problems cuz it’s like always sunny here lol
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Being snowed in sucks it makes you do things but not as bad as January
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Yeah, we’re starting to get into the latter half of winter
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You gonna starve snowed in, no fast food
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Shame you don't go out more often may get yourself more oxygen in your head
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    dur dur me likey no oxygen
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    is weird tho, all snow is south of me, just rain here, usaully oposite- snow north, rain south
  • Veho @ Veho:
    Are you in Australia?
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I do wish I lived in Alaska so I could just wake up and be used to it everyday
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    -30f does not sound fun tho
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    The Ice helps save on gas
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Smallest flutter of snow in the Midwest 20 semi pile up highway closed
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    i'd hate to be a door dash delivery person in Alaska
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    They wouldn't need ice packs
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @BigOnYa, Over here it's either rain or it's quite cold.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    About nearly 40F so 4C.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    thats close to me, just above freezing, 35f
    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: thats close to me, just above freezing, 35f