Electone player

Few times ago, a friend show me videos of a japanese Electone player.
Now I want to share some of them with you.

Electone is a 3 keyboards synthesizer, for both hands + feet.
The english wiki says that Koji Kondo (Nintendo sound director) is also an Electone player (I wish I could see him playing

These videos are from player's name Maru.
he/she (let's assume she's a she) replays a lot of video games and movies musics.
She never show her face, as do her friend Usako singing/playing violin, hence the costumes and masks.

Final Fantasy V

And some others :

Dragon Quest
[title:Dragon quest IV and IX]Dragon Quest IX

Dragon Quest IV
[yt]-ueMCJ3fsu0[/yt] [yt]xb5vy-AmGAg[/yt]


Playing turned around :wtf:

Mononoke hime: Ashitaka


You can see more on youtube by following the suggested videos.

When I see that, I feel really un-experienced.
I managed with difficulties to play violin, but had a pain with speed and synchronizing both hands.
I have a real pain to coordinate my 2 hands to play piano, and just seeing that people can do a different thing for each hands and feet.

I'm impressed by her job !
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Here, feel a little less experienced:



Good fan arranges of video game scores are one of the better things in life.
[quote name='JetKun' post='2994245' date='Jul 20 2010, 02:21 PM']nice outfit.[/quote]
and, wow, that's impressive
@Urza : the first one is playing fast, but it's always the same part in loop.
he must have memorized his fingers position.

I usually learn the finger position/muscular movement first, then I can reproduce it quicker.
I can't play fast right from reading a new score.

When I was playing in orchestra, other players could play fast on the first read.
I needed more time to learn, and it discouraged me.
She seems incredibly shy. In the first video she careully moved away once she finished looking as though she couldn't let anyone see her face.

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    Skelletonike @ Skelletonike: It is. It's similar a game store chain from what I checked.