
So the area I live in experienced an earthquake of 3.6 today at about 5 in the morning. Earthquakes are incredibly rare in our area and in my whole life, I've never experienced one, so what happens when today's went off? Everyone in my house wakes up except for me. I manage to sleep through the earthquake and the aftershock. Sigh. I always wanted to experience one. According to my mom our washing machine shakes our house more than the earthquake did though.


a person with an over powered sub in their car can do worse just driving by
I was up when it happened, i thought my dad fell down the stairs or something. He told me about the earthquake later. I'm sure everyone in dc is talking about it, even a little quake like this is pretty uncommon around here.
yesterday did happens one of 4.9 where I live, but I didn't feel it because I was driving to my girlfriend's house

[quote name='jgu1994' post='2986628' date='Jul 16 2010, 04:18 PM']I always wanted to experience one.[/quote]

and trust me, you don't wanna stay in the middle of an earthquake of 7.1 (or higher), just seeing that everything around you is shaking, the sound of glass and a lot of things falling to the ground everywhere, and couldn't stay on your foots because the shaking @_@. We faced 2 of them 2001 in my country, the first on Junary 13, I was on my home with one of my brothers, and the second on on February 13, on a 3rd floor in my school, with a many little earthquakes for about 6 months.

I know that there are higher earthquakes in other countries around the world, but that was the first that I remember, but the second on my life, the first when I was 5 months old

Edit: grammar
that's nothing, a surround sound can probably give you the same experience. or a ricer driving by. had a 5.4 I think last week, didn't do a thing at all. local code around states buildings must survive a 9.0 since we live on top of fault line

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