DSi Hacking attempt #1

OK so I started this day asking myself:

why da heck we are not capable of putting some pics on the SD cards, insert it on our DSi's and view them just like in the Wii...???

well, so I got this new assignement, and I tryed first of all to fit the same size (640X480 @ 72 ppi) - nope, that didn't worked (too easy I think)

then I re-did the last thing but this time even trying to redo the same KB size (or quality) wich is around 50-60 KB - nope, not even close to be recognized by the DSi

...well there must be some way to do it right, I mean it is not impossible, is it..?? my 3rd idea was to check on the properties of the file, and it says that the image was created by a NDSi (obviously), so I edited the picture on Photoshop and then rechecked the properties, as I guessed, they changed, so where is the information that displays such thing, I think is on the header of each file, isn't..?? so this time I edited the picture on paint (YES paint) and just draw some white lines over the image, the properties showed no change, but the header (using an hex editor) said the opposite, so I got my hands dirty and started toying around with copied files from the DSi to the SD and hex-editing them I manage to copy the entire header from the original file to the one that I draw some white lines over, obiosuly the KB size of the image changed but nothing else, so now if I put the file in the DSi, ta daaaaaa...!!

...well it still doesn't works but at least the app can read the file, it last longer to start the app because of the re-scan (I assume), but it counts the file, unfortunately the app it is not able to show the image, nor copy it, but I think I'm getting closer, somewhere between those lines in the hex code it is shown the size or some kind of check that the DSi uses to preview the images, where is that..?? I don't know but I'm gonna give it a shoot till I run all of my resources away...!!

P.S. there is no DSi Hacking section, so I just posted this on my blog...!! :P

last thing....I flipped 90 degrees CW the original picture on the win file option, and now it is show same as my edited non-original picture, put the original back to its state and the information has changed forever, so..... do never flip your photos from the DSi, unless you don't want to see them again on your DSi...!!


So you edited the EXIF data with a hex editor? Wouldn't it have been easier just to use a prog designed for reading/modifying EXIF data?

Or have I misunderstood what you are trying to achieve?
[quote name='George Dawes' post='3022910' date='Aug 3 2010, 03:22 PM']So you edited the EXIF data with a hex editor?[/quote]

Image manipulators don't normally change the exif data by themselves.
Don't they usually update dimensions, filesize, etc exif data?

Graphics programs aren't my forte, but I was under the impression they did.
[quote name='7mike7' post='3022348' date='Aug 3 2010, 01:30 AM']you have to edit the thumbnail picture[/quote]
I tried doing basically every thing the TC tried literally the first day the DSi was out, and all failed.

I never looked into it afterwards. I had no idea people figured it out.
Iirc they only record the date and time and camera settings. Haven't dabbled in photography for a while though so this is all coming from a year ago XD
I read somewhere that pictures taken with the DSi camra were signed, so that the world can see it, but not write to it.
So that's what it is, the DSi signs the pics so there is no way to introduce any kind of code into the DSi, well......until we have the key, there is no possible way we can manage to put a picture into the DSi, I'll try some other easier thing later and keep posting results...!!
If I remember well,

It was possible to add pictures on the very first firmware of the DSi...

And we all know what happened:

yasu hello world

EDIT: Removed the pop'n music video... likely to be done from a flashcart

So BigN disabled that feature...
from what i can remember; over at the old and unofficial "dsibrew" website/forum, the one that was linked from the actual page, there was talk about a user having changed multiple parts of the HEX because there are/were apparently several versions of the picture that the DSi actually keeps;
bing the thumbnail image, and the full image and maybe one more or something... i too remember that someone was close or was able to complete this "hack".

again, dont quote me on this, just something i think i remember

EDIT: not sure if signing had anything to do with that... i would have thought not...
All i can think of is it may have other images inside it (yeah I'm not making this up XD). Whilst modding my psp GUI i wanted to change the backgrounds for each month but i couldn't just edit the one theme file that was shown, i had to extract 12 pictures from it, edit them then repack it into a image file (forgot the format >.<).
IIRC, someone posted in the DSi thread on the WiiBrew forums that DSi pictures are signed with the DSi's HMAC (no idea what that is BTW), and it was someone well known...can't remember who, but I'll try find it.

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