Development Log 13/08/12

Covered a few more chapters of the tutorial, mainly covering classes. I started looking into file io.

Ive started rewriting the code for my Text adventure. After 5 minuites this morning I realized just how flawed my first approach was. Working with classes and files makes for much more manageable code. No zip today, since i cant compile atm :(


I'd like to see your approach at using classes here. :)
In your code, you initialized a load of routes on separate lines. If you're initializing a lot variables of the same type, you can do that like this:
int var1, var2, var3, var4 = 666, var5, var6, var7 = 9001;
float imFloating, imToo, andIAmAswell, justLikeMe = 13.37f;

You might already know but I just thought I'd point out.
Thanks for the tip. It's odd my tutorial didn't mention that.
I should have some code up either today or tomorrow utilizing classes, as I want to get file io to work before uploading my code again.

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