Things I have noticed

The other day I was bored and started looking through the different forums and started going through the Supercard Forums and I noticed something. Must of the Supercard community is so ungrateful. On both GBAtemp and the Supercard forums I find a lot of the members just complaining about things not working and not just complaining with some logical reason like the Linux error with the video player, just complaints about the Supercard not being the pure perfection they wanted it to be. Such as with the SNES emulator so many people were complaining about how many games didn't work. Funny, there is still a pretty big list of games that do work and the ones that work, work damn good too. But instead they only focused on the ones that didn't work. Just about every comment I found around the time when the DSi updated, people were pissed that Supercard DSonei wasn't updated right then and there. It's like damn people if you hate supercard so damn much, buy a new card that does have the features you want, which aren't that many really.

Now the Acekard community is often pretty quiet. Outside of the few posts about questions that were already asked before, it's just rather quiet. Not that many people complain, the only people ever complaining are those people who just want updates right away. Other than that, must Acekard users are pretty grateful. I really didn't go through the Acekard forums though so I don't know what it is like there.

M3 Users are just spilt. You have those that cling to the M3 saying that the team will update, don't worry. Then you have the others who flat out quit the M3 scene along time ago.
Then there are those few that are happy when someone makes an alternate firmware.

R4 community is just grateful YWG is around. Must of the R4 community is just happy people remember and now update again. The others are just sad clone owners.

DSTT is pretty the same as R4, just replace YWG with Retrogamefan.

CycloDS users are a field of their own, they have so much to be proud of and not enough people to buy their cards.

Edge and EZ-Flash though I never really see being that active, where are you guys? Not kidding, I named off the must active communities and I hardly ever see anything going on there.

Just my observations, take as you may and don't take it personally.
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[quote name='Rockstar' post='3336519' date='Dec 19 2010, 10:40 AM']Supercard BullShit=RedBaron
Nuff' Said[/quote]
There are more members than just him. When I went through the Supercard forums, there was a lot of whinny people whining about nothing
[quote name='shlong' post='3336543' date='Dec 19 2010, 08:53 AM']Sounds about right...[/quote]
Yup, I seriously noticed this a long time ago. Though AGLCB pointed out a few things that I didn't notice, most of the things were things I noticed a while back as well.
[quote name='Argentum Vir' post='3336998' date='Dec 19 2010, 04:54 PM'][quote name='shlong' post='3336543' date='Dec 19 2010, 08:53 AM']Sounds about right...[/quote]
Yup, I seriously noticed this a long time ago. Though AGLCB pointed out a few things that I didn't notice, most of the things were things I noticed a while back as well.
I noticed it around the time the Supercard Two came out, but then when I went through the forums is when I really started to look deeper into everything
[quote name='Rydian' post='3337142' date='Dec 20 2010, 09:08 AM']Since shit's open-source now, just tell them to fix it themselves.[/quote]

The only people that complain are the people that can't do shit for themselves.

Not saying that everyone that can't do shit for themselves complains, but still...
When they say they can't, ask them if they realize that they're sitting around complaining that somebody else isn't fixing their problems.
[quote name='Rydian' post='3337208' date='Dec 20 2010, 09:38 AM']When they say they can't, ask them if they realize that they're sitting around complaining that somebody else isn't fixing their problems.[/quote]


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