GBAtemp: A retrospective

So, I'm almost to my thousandth post, meaning I'll be getting a my FIRST red ribbon. I know, I know, you're all so proud. Although it is kinda sad I've had so many posts since I joined in like April... Anyway, with all the inners and outers of GBAtemp figured out, I thought I'd offer my insight.

The community here is a mixed bag. It's an odd combination of some of the smartest people on the intertubes and some of the dumbest people I've ever seen. The smart people, usually those in the higher post range (like 5 green ribbons or higher). This also includes pretty much the entire moderator staff, since they're obviously smart enough to get to that rank. On the other hand, we've got the dumb dumbs, as I affectionally call them. They're stupid, very stupid. They seem to combine selfishness, sloppiness, arrogance, ignorance, and as I've mentioned, before, stupidity. They'll go ahead asking stupid questions that have already been answered, ask for ROMs or the like, or just go ahead assuming things they don't. It's numbingly annoying. It gives me the anger I'm so beloved for. Honestly, I really think there should just be some type of test you have to take to see if you're actually smart enough to enter the Temp.

After we divide those, there's some other distinct social groups. We've got the weaboos, something I do hate. It's not like I have anything against Japan or Japanese product, but it's just weaboos in general. They seem so Japan-set that anything that is marked with flashy anime characters will automatically give them a boner. I mean, I hate anime, but that's an opinion. Weaboos just push it way too far. Outside of them, there's people like me who couldn't care less about anime and are just interested in other things.

As for some of the bigger Tempers, here's what I know: Hadrian is old, Toni is Croatian, p1ngy wears glasses. Not much else. I know there's other staff members who are pretty big, but they usually don't hang around where I go to look.

So, I've found there's many things that drive me insane on this site and get my blood pumping. Prime examples of human stupidity, arrogance, and selfishness are just a few. But still, it's so damn addicting I can't stop. I guess that's not a bad thing, I need something to do while Heroes buffers online.

Expect to see me reach the 1,000 post mark soon, and expect me for at least a 1,000 more. Hopefully I'll actually be noticable some time as "Hey, it's Guild" instead of "Hey, it's that douchebag with the long post".


Since you've only been here for about 5 months, you really didn't get to experience the great community that was here a year or so ago. Your retrospective could have been even better had you experienced everything you could have.
[quote name='Vidboy10' post='2273652' date='Sep 24 2009, 10:50 AM']Cool story, Bro.[/quote]
Heh, and, hows HK, vidboy?
nice story but when i see a stupid question im jsut nice and ethir answer if i know the answer or not say anything mean or directe them to somwhere usfull becasue i know how it fees to say a really stupid thingy here and i got shit for it
[quote name='ifish' post='2273962' date='Sep 24 2009, 03:32 AM']nice story but when i see a stupid question im jsut nice and ethir answer if i know the answer or not say anything mean or directe them to somwhere usfull becasue i know how it fees to say a really stupid thingy here and i got shit for it[/quote]

People don't get smarter from spoon feeding them answers. People get smarter when an asshole (such as myself) makes them realize they're stupid and they might, you know, actually decide to learn a thing or two about common sense. It's like children. If a child always asks for something at a toy store and you give it to them, what are you teaching them? That anything they want they'll get with enough bitching? No, you've got to draw limits and use some tough love.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2273620' date='Sep 23 2009, 04:08 PM']"Hey, it's Guild" instead of "Hey, it's that douchebag with the long username".[/quote]
FIXED :yay:
[quote name='dinofan01' post='2273981' date='Sep 24 2009, 03:39 AM'][quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2273620' date='Sep 23 2009, 04:08 PM']"Hey, it's Guild" instead of "Hey, it's that douchebag with the long username".[/quote]
FIXED :yay:

Hey, at least my name isn't as long as dinofan... Oh, wait, dammit. You're one of the smart ones, I guess.
thats true and ive learned i think youve bitched at me before? but im not to sure its happend to often and eveyrone deserves a chance if they make a mistake once ok forget about it but that same mistake then give them shit
[quote name='ifish' post='2273990' date='Sep 24 2009, 03:41 AM']thats true and ive learned i think youve bitched at me before? but im not to sure its happend to often and eveyrone deserves a chance if they make a mistake once ok forget about it but that same mistake then give them shit[/quote]

Maybe, the user pic looks familiar. You've gotten smarter, it looks, so I'll give you a pass :P
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2273988' date='Sep 23 2009, 06:41 PM'][quote name='dinofan01' post='2273981' date='Sep 24 2009, 03:39 AM'][quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2273620' date='Sep 23 2009, 04:08 PM']"Hey, it's Guild" instead of "Hey, it's that douchebag with the long username".[/quote]
FIXED :yay:

Hey, at least my name isn't as long as dinofan... Oh, wait, dammit. You're one of the smart ones, I guess.
Is that suppose to be a compliment or a sarcastic remark?......whatever.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2273620' date='Sep 24 2009, 12:08 AM']As for some of the bigger Tempers, here's what I know: Hadrian is old, Toni is Croatian, p1ngy wears glasses. Not much else. I know there's other staff members who are pretty big, but they usually don't hang around where I go to look.[/quote]

Its like you have gazed into the depths of my very soul man. :blink:
[quote name='p1ngpong' post='2274039' date='Sep 24 2009, 03:58 AM'][quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2273620' date='Sep 24 2009, 12:08 AM']As for some of the bigger Tempers, here's what I know: Hadrian is old, Toni is Croatian, p1ngy wears glasses. Not much else. I know there's other staff members who are pretty big, but they usually don't hang around where I go to look.[/quote]

Its like you have gazed into the depths of my very soul man. :blink:

I have that affect on people. Although for all I know you could have abducted some small Croatian boy and used him in your photos ever since. :creep:
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2273620' date='Sep 23 2009, 07:08 PM']On the other hand, we've got the dumb dumbs, as I affectionally call them. They're stupid, very stupid. They seem to combine selfishness, sloppiness, arrogance, ignorance, and as I've mentioned, before, stupidity.[/quote]
So the pot is calling the kettle black...

Just a quickie; I like to watch certain anime, and I enjoy reading certain manga. I also play fighting games that I would get called a faggot for online. Does that make me a weeaboo?
[quote name='Shakraka' post='2274060' date='Sep 24 2009, 04:05 AM'][quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2273620' date='Sep 23 2009, 07:08 PM']On the other hand, we've got the dumb dumbs, as I affectionally call them. They're stupid, very stupid. They seem to combine selfishness, sloppiness, arrogance, ignorance, and as I've mentioned, before, stupidity.[/quote]
So the pot is calling the kettle black...

Just a quickie; I like to watch certain anime, and I enjoy reading certain manga. I also play fighting games that I would get called a faggot for online. Does that make me a weeaboo?

Damn you Japanese! GO AMERICA WOOHOO! What was that about ignorance?

Being a weaboo doesn't come down just liking anime, it's the general attitude. Would you be easily intrigued by any new anime that had a bunch of flashy characters or cute chicks? Would you simply think that anything with anime characters that you like in it means it's good? Do you take some other aspect of gaming over actual gameplay? If you qualify for those, then you may very well be a weaboo. But you just strike me as an anime guy, not a weaboo.

And for the record, I have played Naruto fighting games at my friend's house. Also, for the record, they're not terrible, as far as fighting games go (I really don't like fighting games so yeah). I wouldn't buy them, but I wouldn't say "BOO THIS GAME SUCKS NARUTO SUCKS LOLOLOL".
Congrats on almost reaching 1000.

You forgot a category.. the "Google Its." The people with nothing to contribute but have irresistible urges to post nonetheless.
[quote name='chao1212' post='2273892' date='Sep 24 2009, 09:04 AM'][quote name='Vidboy10' post='2273652' date='Sep 24 2009, 10:50 AM']Cool story, Bro.[/quote]
Heh, and, hows HK, vidboy?
You could of sent me a PM you know...
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2274044' date='Sep 24 2009, 04:00 AM'][quote name='p1ngpong' post='2274039' date='Sep 24 2009, 03:58 AM'][quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='2273620' date='Sep 24 2009, 12:08 AM']As for some of the bigger Tempers, here's what I know: Hadrian is old, Toni is Croatian, p1ngy wears glasses. Not much else. I know there's other staff members who are pretty big, but they usually don't hang around where I go to look.[/quote]

Its like you have gazed into the depths of my very soul man. :blink:

I have that affect on people. Although for all I know you could have abducted some small Croatian boy and used him in your photos ever since. :creep:
p1ngy, he knows too much. We have to do something.

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