[Rant] Being a software pirate

Recently I have come to a realization from a different perspective what it means to be a software pirate.

As some of you may know, I work as a software- and game developer, and over the many months I have worked here I learned a lot of things in regards to the inner workings of a corporation, development lifecycle, etc.

Recently while browsing the eShop with disgust seeing all the boring-as-hell games with anime tiddy clickbait I noticed that some games were on discount. It's important to note that even if I weren't a pirate, I'm still a huge cheapass, so I just added them to my wish list then moved on. Later while checking my wish list, I noticed that one of the games I added had their discount expire in ~1-2hrs. That's not when the realization has fully kicked in, but I thought to myself after converting the prices to my local currency (with transaction fees), "meh, after reading the description and seeing the images and videos, I might as well get it, I pay more for my food and drinks in Tesco every day anyways", so I bought it.
After clicking "continue shopping", I went back to my wishlist, and checked the other entries, and saw a game which was way too expensive (like 35GBP) for being just a port of the DOS version. I decided to search if it has a PC version, because that's the easiest to pirate for. When looking at the platform list the game was released for, it hit me. First we have to burn a ton of money just for design first, and getting it approved. If it gets approved, we burn even more money for prototyping and writing code from scratch (and that is while using already existing and tested libraries, like Unity or Qt). Then we fix some bugs, and ready the game for release. Then we get a request for a new feature before release, and after implementing it, bugs start to exponentially multiply, effectively burning up the entire budget. Then once you actually do get a release, you have to hope that skiddies won't crack the anti-piracy protection and that hacker groups won't upload a cracked version, effectively kissing most of your income byebye due to a cracked version being way too easily accessible.

...except that some pirates don't work like that. Like me.
There are a few types of pirates:
- the pirates: who never pay for anything, and you can not make a single penny from them. In my experience it's a decent amount, but not that much as many people make it out to be. Includes minors too whose parents are penny-pinching or broke or Karens.
- the cheapass: "if it's available for free from a trusted source then I might as well go with it". This is probably the biggest group of pirates. They'll wait a long time before buying the game, but if they see a really good deal then they might buy the game, but usually go for the cracked version instead.
- try-and-buy: I belong in this category, and lots of others. They pirate the game first, try it, and if they have played it through or they enjoy the game, they buy it. Sometimes even legit players have to resort to this if there is no demo available and there is a little info available about the game (without spoiling it).
- buy-and-crack: I also belong in this category. I'm not sure about the size of this category, but it feels like it's insignificant. These players buy the game, but remove the annoying DRM associated to it which hinders their experience. I do this especially for Steam-only games, because I don't need a stupid resident program to break my game with automatic updates. Leave me alone :angry:

The sad truth is is that almost nobody seems to do this differentiation, even though the difference between these pirate groups is really significant.

So why have I written a wall of text detailing the common type pirates? To get to my point: no matter what you do, pirates WILL always get what they want, even if it means paying more for DRM circumvention than it actually costs to buy the actual game multiple times.
Companies should learn how to mitigate piracy instead of just getting more aggressive with DRM. Just like with advertising :creep:
Crappy launchers (uPlay, Origin, Rockstar game launcher, Battle.net, and dare I say Steam client) and crappy storefronts (Switch eShop is the most notorious one in my book) definitely don't help with combatting piracy. Some launchers in fact only encourage piracy. And cheap ass attempts at a "discount" won't bite most of us either, like disguising a "price drop" from 59.99$ to 55.99$. In fact, such bullshit attempts just aggro some of us more and give more reason to attempt piracy.

In my eyes we're not only some cheap-ass discount whores who always only want 99.9% discounts (even though such discount would be really welcome), but we actually want reasons and features to stay with a platform. These platforms nowdays are not consumer-oriented, but money-oriented with the least effort as possible, and companies get away with it because we suck it all up.
And let's not get me started on those platforms where not even the purchase is easy! There are literal useless artificial barriers placed in front of you at checkout (*cough*Rockstar Warehouse*/cough*).

tl;dr: No matter how people tell you piracy is bad, you won't know how it actually feels like to the devs until you have experienced it yourself. The point is that buy your games and software if you can.


People who think piracy is the be-all end-all determining factor towards a developer's demise clearly haven't done enough research. The way I see it, if it's a game or games that are out of print/aren't available in any digital market, who does it really hurt?
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I honestly mainly just pirate games on pc I can’t afford, I have only pirated two console games, but I already owned those on pc, cause honestly it is a huge pain in the ass to pirate 3ds games. But I have recently started buying all the games I pirated, starting with sonic mania, hollow knight and Celeste
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what do you mean it's a pain in the ass to pirate 3ds games? it's just downloading the .cia and installing it with fbi
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i usually pirate everything i can't afford/access, when it's a pc game, and if it's cheap and accessible... and if i have money ofc i will buy it, but there are things that are almost impossible to get like, anything nintendo related, i played a lot of nintendo games in my life and i only paid for one, because it's expensive unaccessible
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oh, i get that, and some games are very hard to find
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i only bought smilebasic 4 on switch because i installed a "backup" :creep: of smilebasic 3
so piracy good sometimes i guess
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I only pirate Steam games if Denuvo (or other DRM nonsense) has been forced in; otherwise I'll just wait for a sale.
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I will generally pirate to try the game out. I'm on a pretty tight budget when it comes to games and stuff as I'm not working (or receiving benefits ) right now. So I have to be pretty picky about what I do actually buy. As already has been brought up ...fucking launchers will be the death of me! But that's the thing, isn't it? Piracy declines when it's easy to buy something and companies aren't trying to screw over pirates and only end up hurting the legitimate users. Make something easy to do and people will rather do that than pirate.

When steam and GOG were the only games in town my piracy rare plummeted to one or two games I wasn't quite sure of. Second, the market fractured on pc I went back to piracy because it's just easier. And it the same with movies, I don't want to be fucking around with my location on a VPN just to watch 1 movie or sign up to six different streaming services. I remember a time when it was just Netflix and Lovefilm and it was fucking awesome for a couple of years.

Yeah there will always be that hardcore who never buy anything but just love the latest incarnation of modern warfighter's duty 64 or generic space shooter number 5, keep it simple and people will pirate less and this has been shown time and time again when piracy is the easiest option that's what people are gonna do.
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@Uiaad Especially now that XCINEX and Venue are trying to force ticketing and headcount-tracking systems into streaming services; if that shit succeeds, then people will have to pay individually to see a movie or TV series at a mate's place or in their own home, and if someone else were to enter (kids running amok, another friend or family member bringing snacks, whatever) the content would stop until that new person paid up or left.

Yeah, fuck streaming services. They rarely have anything I'm interested in watching to begin with; not having free trials anymore means I can't even watch a show I'd like to try out to see if it's any good or not. If Venue makes a profit, then streaming services might as well be identified as steaming piles of bovine manure; they'd be utterly and completely repulsive.
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Streaming with movies is eh, I'm fine with it, although I prefer physical media, I am against game streaming, one of the reasons for that being that my wifi sucks absolute ass, another reason is that I'm more so fine with not really owning a movie, I don't rewatch movies a ton, I'm not the biggest film guy, but I do wanna actually be able to keep my games
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@AkiraKurusu That's some impressive new technology, this headcount-tracking you describe. :O But i agree with you, this is way too much invasion on the privacy of the end-users. Just having a webcam installed on my PC makes me worried about my privacy, so I unplug it physically when not in use. Abusive companies should not be supported.
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The problem with streaming is two-fold,
1) the average internet speed is way too low right now as stadia proved (technology isn't quite there yet either again stadia)
2) as humans we love collecting stuff like games and movies and digital stuff just isn't the same - I'm still salty about missing out on the limited run of Enter the Gungeon with the physical ammonomicon

Streaming services for me are a way to keep my Mrs quiet haha otherwise all I get every night is " can you download this ?" or " can you download that? "

As far as the Head-tracking stuff ... cant track what it cant see, there is a myriad of ways to fuck with that stuff ... especially with cheap webcams that lack IR/UV filtering*

@Dust2dust Same here buddy and my mics unplugged when it's not in use

*Quick side story on this one, the big bosses at my job have always had more and for whatever reason, they wanted a tracking system to clock people in and out, of course, they wanted this fandabiedosie all singing all dancing system ( of course what they actually wanted was to cut down on the money spent on smoke breaks ) so they got a demo unit sent to them I set it up and I broke the system in about 20 minutes using Infrared ( near-infrared) LEDs and someone else wearing my jacket with a baseball cap on. The whole system was sent back with a polite no thank you.
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So I bought Crash 4 on Battle.net, which forces always-online DRM. To be honest, it's a stupid thing to have in a single player game, so I may or may not have found a crack for said game and removed the battle.net software. Is it piracy? Yes and no, but mostly no since I bought a copy of the game, I shouldn't be forced to suffer for the actions of others, given that I'm a paying customer. Activision got my money already, I can do whatever I want with the games I purchase. What are they going to do, suspend my account? I feel like in the case of draconian DRM, esp. always online, removing or bypassing it is justified if you paid for it. I don't pirate games I have no intention of buying later on or even trying, torrents are risky business.

So yes, I'm a "pirate" but only because Activision sucks ass.
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