The "Gamers" of today.

So I tend to talk about real life issues and make stupid stories in my blogs. Only once have a actually used a blog to talk about a real occasion and that wasn't even real, it happened in Splatoon! So this time, I'm going to talk about something that INFURIATES ME and this story is completely true.

So yesterday (at the time of me typing this), I went to get a haircut. The line was extremely long, so I decided to kill some time while waiting by getting out my Switch and playing some Puyo Puyo Tetris.

As I was playing, a kid walked up to me and said, "So you're a gamer too?"

I was shocked by how unexpected it was, but I replied, "Uh, yeah? I mean, I've been playing video games for a long time."

"What are you playing now? Is that like a 2D Minecraft?" he asked as he glanced at my Switch.

"Uh, no. It's this action-puzzle game called Puyo Puyo Tetris. It's a crossover between Puyo Puyo, which I've doubt you've heard of, and Tetris. I'm sure you know what Tetris is, right?"

"Never heard of either. Sounds boring though. Puzzles games suck!"

That was the moment where I got extremely ticked off. How the f*** could this kid call himself a "Gamer" when he hasn't even heard of Tetris. Then he has the AUDACITY to say that the game sucks when it's a puzzle game. He's doing so many things that upset me. He's judging a game hasn't heard of (even though anyone who calls themself a Gamer should've as least heard MENTIONED) by associating it with other puzzle games. Unfortunately, I did let my anger take control of me.

"How could you possibly call yourself a gamer when you haven't even heard of Tetris?" I asked.

Liking old, obscure games is not cool, dude! They're outdated and have bad graphics and are BORING!" he retorted.

I was infuriated. Enraged. I will filled with rage.

"There is so much wrong with what your saying, kid. First of all, retro games are what got video games to be as awesome as they are today. Second, graphics don't make a game much better. If you're playing video games for the graphics, you may as well stare at a painting or go watch a 4k video on youtube. Third, the older games are not boring. I doubt you've even touched a game that was made in the 80's and 90's. Super Mario Bros, Contra, The Legend of Zelda, Pac-Man, Half Life, and Tetris are ANYTHING but boring. They're classics, and if you think that you're logic is great logic to judge a video game, you shouldn't even consider yourself a gamer." I said.

The kid was shocked and backed away.

Hopefully I taught him a lesson. I may have gone a bit too far, but I couldn't help it. And this isn't even the first time this has happend. I hear children mocking Nintendo for how the Nintendo Switch does not have 4k graphics, or that Mario is for babies. It infuriates me and I can only hope that the term, "Gamer" does not refer to these idiotic losers.

Don't take this too seriously, my blogs are usually over the top and meant to be taken with a grain of salt.
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@DarthDub Actually, this really is the first time, other than my blog about why people should read my blogs. The rest barely get anything.
With those questions you asked you made it clear, there is no way we should take you seriously anymore.

Hope you enjoyed your five minutes of gbatempfame.
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@DeslotlCL Well, I've usually put a disclaimer at the bottom to take my blogs with a grain of salt. Plus my custom title is "As Mature as a Seventh Grader!" I'm surprised that anything I've said has been taken seriously! My blog is really just a bunch of funny stories (some false and some true) and if you really want to be able to take me seriously, just go on the threads I made instead.
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I like this blog entry and I'm glad you took your time to write it. I never giggled so hard in public. Those comments. Pure gold! Mine included. :-)
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"Do I NOT yell at the kid?"
Uh, yeah, actually that's exactly what you do. You DON'T yell at a kid over something trivial and retarded like a fucking video game. They're inanimate objects. They don't give a shit about you, you shouldn't feel obligated to defend their honor from some dumb kid on the street saying shit to an overweight manchild on his bing bing wahoo machine.
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I know they may seem inanimate objects and they really don't give a shit about you, but you should follow the law and avoid throwing kids out the windows or you may end up in jail. /s
I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU JUST SAID! this kid is so dumb, 2d minecraft?! lmao gamers todays aren't real gamers.
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Suddenly, interest has risen up for this blog again. :/

Read the other comments, @JellyPerson
omg i just brought hate to your blog, im so sorry
Oh well. This kid is uninformed.
However the definition of a gamer is one who plays games. He can call himself a gamer, but he can't call himself a core gamer, which is the term that you're looking for
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Nah, it's fine. @98otiss

It's gotten so much hate already that I doubt it matters.
Hey, what happened to that other kid's blogthreadthing?

I'm several pints in, this could be a factor.
I think it got deleted. @Old
I mean, did you see the comments?
I'm still surprised you got away with yelling at a kid for having a different preference in video games.
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So, 'Bloodstained'...haven't looked forward to a game this much in a decade or more....


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