Seeking community help

For a while now I've had the thought that I might possibly have depression. I'm somewhat becoming more sure that I do and I was wondering if I could ask something to those here who have either had, are currently going through, or know someone who does or had depression themselves. How do/are you handling it? I would prefer not to go to a psychiatrist or take medication for this so those are out of the picture...
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You have a problem you seemingly can't sort yourself and don't want to speak to someone trained to fix it (it is a complex problem that tends to have better results when attempting to have it sorted by someone that knows how) and neither do you want to take something to assist in it? Fair enough. Sometimes I speak to people and they tell me they want to exercise and cook decent food but spend too much time at work. To my mind they then value working over their health, or at least a degree of it, which is up to them -- we all get to choose what we value and how we value it. It appears you have made a similar decision here.

Anyway as I am not sure many will be in the blogs for this a thread here might be worth reading The title says one thing but it went off onto other things before too long.
Definitely go to someone who knows what they’re talking about. Bottling it up and keeping it to yourself will make things a lot worse. Although this is a good community, it doesn’t compare to someone who’s trained in that field
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Don't take the happy pills if you don't know the risks involved. Try talking to someone about it. If you have no one to talk to, then seek professional help.
Just like everyone else that posts this same topic. "Go see a doctor! We are not psychiatrists."

Everyone here with depression is either in treatment, on ssri's or addicts of some sort. Pick your poison.
You can cope with it by using dope, which I don't recommend.
You can cope with it by using alcohol, which I also don't recommend.
You could also just completely flip your life over, abandon everything and start fresh.

Get new clothes, new style etc.
@WeedZ or indeed all 3 :tpi:

@ OP I've had depression for nearly 10 years now. I've been in therapy and on medication for the last 5 until I stopped both recently. (of my own choice) I found that it did help a lot. Never to the point of being convinced of recovery (or anywhere near that, at least in my case) but it helped me at the very least remain a functional human adult.
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The main reason I don't want to see a psychiatrist is because it would involve bringing this up to my parents, and I'm kind of scared of the response I'll get that they will just not believe me and tell me to suck it up.
I'm not saying this forum site is disposable but the reason I'm slightly more up for talking about it here is that if I eventually regret opening up about this I can just leave, it's not like the actual people around me who I am stuck living with and I can't get away from
See a Psychologist. Sorry, there is no easy way without seeing a professional. I suffered from depression before developing DID and Psychopathy and it's not that nice. It makes you think about some pretty dark things - It's wise to see someone before you do something you'll regret.
If your implying what I think you are then stop. I'm not taking the easy way out of all this, it just isn't worth leaving life like that.
There are more things you can regret in life than dining upon a bullet. One of the more popular markers of depression is an overpowering lack of desire to do almost anything and you find people then allow relationships, jobs, schoolwork, hobbies, other aspects of health and more to slide. Even if that is not the case then another thing you often see is "if I can just ? then it will all be OK" when it never is as you cook up something new to be worried about/set another pointless milestone. You get out the other side and realise you have either wasted a few years doing nothing, and possibly have to repair relationships, finances and redo some aspects of school/work/whatever, some of which might be significantly harder than they would have been earlier.

Also if "mum, dad, I think I need some help as I am actually struggling with things" does not work, and it has been seen, then you may have bad parents. Sucks but it is your life you are living. Also if your profile is accurate and you are 18 then you can make your own decisions, and may indeed be expected to in a lot of places (though one would still hope your parents would assist you in this). One of those if getting yourself to your general practitioner/family doctor/whatever they call the position around you and they will be able to refer you. Even if you are younger you can still book such things and get an appointment -- any major decisions may still require your parents but having a diagnosis in hand first is not a bad thing. Beyond that there are often outreach services, and if you are still in school there are likely people that can help you there too (schools are fairly big on this sort of thing these days).
How do/are you handling it? I would prefer not to go to a psychiatrist or take medication for this so those are out of the picture...
I drink copious amounts of alcohol regularly.
@WeedZ That's not funny

Hey man, you took the first step, you asked for help.
you asked on advice, I didnt even do that.
I would suggest writing/typing your feelings, and then Destroying what you write.
I would suggest getting checked mentally, Most people who have depression, Usually have some type of mental illness.
I am not saying its always the case, just something to keep in mind.

Try new things, things you always wanted to try.

also, talk to someone, and tell them your feelings, to "Unload" on them.
I am willing to listen, I won't mention anything you don't want me to,
I went through something like this. My discord is "Addict with a pen.#4820"
I am always willing to talk man, I had people to talk to, I want to return the Favor.
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i have
they survived it and have scars down both arms and a scar on their head
You know what I mean. It was a bad joke, I know. But before everyone jumps my shit, someone in my immediate family committed suicide. This kind of humor helps me not feel like it controls my life. That's not to say it's OK to tell people to kill themselves. That kys fad pisses me off more than anything.
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@WeedZ okay, do you think its okay to use it in public though?
(To me) Jokes are to make fun of stuff, to take light of.
I myself have made dark Jokes, I don't regret them.
Life is short and we shouldn't be afraid.
SO I understand, but my question is, is it okay to use it, when someone is in the situation?
(This is a legitimate question I am asking, if you want you can answer me via pm, but I am wondering, thats all. )
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I drink an unhealthy amount of soda to make me feel better. I did the math and I drink 60 gallons of it each year...but it does the job!
I think it's natural for human beings to use humor to make light of bad situations. It's a way people cope. It's not a dark joke in its self, its the context that makes it dark. It's also the same context that makes it funny (assuming anyone thought it was funny). I could use the same setup and say "I've never met skydiver that regretted not having a parachute". The impact isn't the same because the shock value is gone and the context is stupid and unrelatable.

My opinion on humor aside, I do understand that there are people that may be offended. As I said, it helps me turn a huge tragedy in my own life into something not so looming and scary to deal with. And honestly I can't live my life in constant worry of other people's emotions. That's something out of my control. They'll either understand my personality or they'll not like me. And Im ok with the fact that not everyone will like me.

I'm not going out of my way to offend anyone. That's not something I would do. So, there it is.
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tbh though, I do believe in a heaven and hell as a Catholic and I would be sitting in either one regretting the effects of what I had done if I did end my life with how sad it would make my family. I hate bring others down
Yeah, Dude.
lemme tell you, How I got out of it.
have you read my blogs on how I was harassed, embarrassed, and bullied by my older brother.
well when I was Thirteen, I felt like crap, I would'nt talk to any girls, Because my brother would say I like them and what not.
Even after he left, I was still afraid, I was afraid of my other siblings doing it to me. Or my dad(I am pretty sure my dad just thought it was funny, and didn't hurt me.)
So, I was depressed ofc. I personally Contemplate suicide, I thought of it kinda stupid imo, like, if you end it now, you can't fix it. You won't be able to.
and you will Rot in hell.
It might seem mundane, but it's life, even though I didnt Contemplate Suicide, I still wanted to die, Praying maybe I would die in my sleep, get hit by a car, etc etc.

Music helped me through alot of it, I didn't think of prayer, maybe I should have, but I didn't.
talking to people helped.
another thing, try to spend more time with your family? I don't know how much you spend now,
but just try it.

Try a new perspective, I slightly did this, maybe don't look at everything good, but like,
Life is too short to freak out about stuff, even now, I barely freak out.
I laugh at it, whatever the problem is, and then I take care of it.

I am here if you need someone to talk to.
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