Some stuff

Well as most of you know, I recently turned 30.
The greatest gitft I could ever asked for was this:
I'm currently collecting papers for my disability claim, I'm legally blind, so you need all kinds of tests
Ophthalmologist, psychological, psychiatric, pulmonary, EKG, CT
Well CT was a surprise. Theybsaw a smudge on my brains left hemisphere, it's a tumor. Ao thank life, you never seize to stop disappointing me
Oh i like girls
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Is the tumour the cause of your blindness? Maybe if they remove it you won't have vision problems anymore? And congrats on coming out :)
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No, @Quantumcat I was born blind, this is new. I will have to undergo more test from now on to determine if it's malignant or not
@BARNWEY tnx :)
Wait you were blind? Never knew that.

Anyway, I do hope for you that the tumor is either harmless or easily removable if it isn’t. At least on a positive note, the doctors located it early meaning treatment will probably be easier if it turns out to be harmful.

Also congratulations on your 30th birthday.
Text to voice programs. Also, legally blind doesn't mean totally blind. It means too vision impaired to drive or do most things. She can probably read with the help of a magnifying glass and a lamp

Right Byukogen?
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@leon315 I can answer that. I have a friend who is legally blind due to being albino and he can use a PC just fine with a large monitor or the scaling turned way up. No matter how bad your vision is, as long as you have some vision, you can read text if it's big enough.
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Congratz on coming out "patty babe" !

Being studying Science on the Scientific branch, I might know some things idk. If that's a tumor it can affect one or both visual cortexes or at the treatment of the information by the brain.

Do you see better on your left, right or in between ?
If you cannot see in between, it's the optical chiasma which is affected by the tumor.

Anyway hope you can still have a great day !
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@YTElias , Considering she have 4/10 on the left eye and 0.2 or 0.3/10 on the right eye, she is "mentally" blind because she cannot see optimally/correctly. Understood ?

(i know that because I also wear glasses xD, but i'm not blind)
I can see things on short distance good but when it gets far away i cant see it
Maybe i can see a person from 100m

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