What do you know me for?

This is a thought that came to me just now as somebody just flaged me down in some random discord server wondering if it was me. What is so interesting about me? I'm just some dude out there on the interwebs....
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That reminds me when I joined Beta64's discord a while ago.

I said "Hi", he immediately replied to me saying "Oh hey, aren't you the same VinsCool from GBAtemp? I have seen you a lot there."
@RustInPeace what's that supposed to mean, I can be chearful -.-
@Seliph pfp? what does that mean?
Well mostly seeing you by your blog posts...oh wait I can't see some of them because they're deleted. I rest my case.
THis is why you NEED separate names for your online accounts O_O

Is the same reason why you NEVER SHOULD use the same password for every account. Makes it too easy to recognize, and you are just a regular person, doesn't mean people can't like you or know you. :)
@Sonic Angel Knight most of my accounts are ham, but my discord is different. there are a few hints on my profile tho.
...have I reached the point of being a well known...? for good reasons and not being disliked? that's most I've ever reached is people commonly bullying me at school so I'm not really much for popularity usually
yea I'd say so. you, lilith, the real j, bluejay, sonic, jupitter. all well known's what are still active.
I know you based on your profile picture. You seem like a nice guy, but it's a little uncommon for me to see you. If you changed your avatar, I wouldn't know the username.
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after being here for long enough sooner or later I would be bound to hit 1000 and those all could just as well have been posts that went no where and where never seen, it's not just the amount posts but how you go about each post, 1 post could have worlds more impact than thousands of posts
Dunno if I am well-known from my behavior on the interwebs. If I am I hope it is for good reasons, not for bad ones.
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