What sucks about this scene

So, I've mostly kept silent about it until now but due to the recent hacks I will say that this scene is really cringey, due to a group of edgy kids (among them there's even a respected developer) who keep doing things like this to me (hence the Luma3DS name change, actually).
I'll let these images speak for themselves (this was before the hacks actually took place): http://imgur.com/a/aweTG
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@gnmmarchal "piracy have a purpose" and it's to get a piece of commercially released media without paying for it, thus denying the creators of that work their due payment. I do hope you realize your argument is already dead and has been for fucking years.
I want to be honest here, i dunno what is going on in the picture. I don't know much about the people that is associated with this besides people are not being nice to you or other things involving luma. I really can't apologize since i didn't do much but i do feel bad that stuff like this happen and wish they didn't. Will it stop, i can only hope. Still i'm sorry stuff like this happen to you, I don't think what you do or have done, regarding who you are and the luma is bad honestly but what do i know? I use it cause is easy to use and does what i need well. :)

To think something like this goes on and i dunno anything about it until something goes too far, is a bit of a shocking experience.Speechless even. So i hope things are going to be okay for you personally, at this point, i feel is not even about luma anymore is more about grudge against personal matters. I wish i could help or least support positively but again, i can't do anything nor do i actually know much about the situation. Please feel better or maybe better associations with people. Nothing here was meant to be offensive. :unsure:
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@Jacklack3 Luma3DS was originally AuReiNAND, which (AFAIK) started as a feature development branch of ReiNAND. Then shenanigans happened and it was renamed.
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Ah i see, so basically threats, harassment and Luma3DS's repo deletion? I still don't get some of this stuff, could someone recap what's happening for me?
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Not everyone, my apologies @VinLark, the better description is how everyone's talking about the situation while the victim wants to breeze by it.
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@hobbledehoy899 I'd understood d0k3 was one of the people harassing from this conversation. Thank fucking god I misunderstood.
@proflayton123 Everyone involved in this is retarded
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