
In firefox setting this value to anything other than 0 or 1 makes the backspace key no longer go back a page if you press it while focus isn't inside a text window.


This is something that's been irking me for years.


I tend to navigate my browser with my keyboard because it's too much effort to use the touchpad most of the time, but I can see how that function would annoy people when you've just written a huge block of text :L

That bugged the hell out of me until I learned to just kinda let my pinky flop until I needed it.
That's nice there's a way to disable it, but I won't since I use backspace to go back a page 90% of the time I want to go back a page. I can only think of a couple times I accidentally went back a page. Both times I had all my text copied anyway so I didn't lose anything. ^_^ It's 'cause I have such slow internet. It goes out all the time so I have the habit completely ingrained in me to constantly copy the text I type.
(I've already copied this message about 7 different times)(8)(9) D: Dang it! I can't stop copying after I add/change anything!
Nice to know it can be turned off. Somehow that variable was set to 2 already, though.

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