
Hi, I started a rogue version on Nintendo DS SDKs, mainly based on devkitpro. It's still in the beginning stages and includes gcc-4.2.0 and libnds. I hope I can find the time to work on extras, Easter eggs and so on. Here's the download page : Enjoy!
Hi, just the start of my Evo Comp libraries/utilities/tools :
PalmOS Codewarrior based game kit coded in C++. Note : it's a rar file but there exists a UNIX/Linux unrar utility in source form (unrar x filename.rar). Here's the latest source :
I don't know if I posted this before, it's my oldskool GNU software, games and ROM hacking (several programs in the zip or tarball) :
Hi, I started on IRIX 6.2 sound/AIFF software, the latest source code is below :
I need to add the actors such as ld0x0A-opcode-actor(.scm) to the second table, but the system is in :
Added PC, NPC class together with strength, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom and luck. Start of attack routines for PC/NPC. Latest source is here (v0.1.8) :
Some small additions such as a Bayes start and my Luck system based on the Rule of Gibbs. Here's the source code (Squeak 6 smalltalk, v0.1.7) :
Hi, I programmed the start of the parse tree and matching together with the many string mixins. Here's the source code (v0.1.12) :
Hi, just another program started by me, a systemverilog compiler for the Mist hardware (e.g. in github mist-devel), needs lots of work still but programmed on IRIX 6.2, nekoware (GPL) licensed :
I just started out on it, but you should be able to use the arm, armour in the single interface. Needs lots of work, but there's a main loop object which you can always run by giving and returning items in several ways. It might be somewhat less for non-battle inventory games, except that...
A Hero's Quest game (Quest for Glory) coded in Squeak 6.x, WIP :
My start on a smalltalk kernel coded in LISP (using CLOS), latest release v0.1.2 is here :
Contains the start of the opcode actors for e.g. 32 opcodes as in nesasm on the Zilog 80, then all of them in non-major classes. Now just (LD . 0x0A). Here's the latest source (v0.1.9) :
All hex codes are in as well as the base argument actors for evaluating assembler syntax. Latest source is here (v0.1.8) :
All opcodes are in, with maybe some mistakes on the mnemonic syntax but the z80 opcode table where the hexes etc are should be usable. neko-z80-asm is a Zilog80 assembler coded in guile (1.4). The latest source is available here (v0.1.7) :
Half of the Zilog 80 opcodes are in, including obfuscated ones, nothing for game boy assembler yet except for the actor class. Here's the latest release (v0.1.6) :
The genetic programming system is almost finished. I just need to build the parse tree from a Genome instance, then adapt the writing of the ParseTree instance itself. You can use neslisp to compile and fetch errors on the command line (in shell). Then it will build NES programs. The internal...
Genetic programming library for an emulator (uses LISP as a sandbox compiler) :
I added a file writing system, WIP, latest source (v0.1.4) is here :

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  • kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042:
    being mean gives me a boner
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    See it's small dick syndrome
  • ZeroT21 @ ZeroT21:
    grow a spare la
  • P @ Pup:
    if the announcement is real and pre-orders are same day.....i'm really hoping i can snag one. 40+ hours/wk, kids school, house renovations, i really want this thing
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    They'll announce it Friday just to tell us to fuck off
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @K3Nv3, They'll announce it at whatever they want, or maybe not. Their fans will scream and rival up to get it before anyone else lol.
  • P @ Pup:
    i agree Sylver. i'm not one of those fans though. i only play for the exclusives, but the exclusives mean enough that it's important (personally). but yes, regardless i feel like the try-hards are going to bitch and moan about anything at this point tbh
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    If they gave any intention to actually partner with a platform like steam that actually has games sales would probably triple
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    My dog knows another dog, whom their owner is friends with someone who works at Big N, n my dog told me "Ruff", so that means no.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    So your dogs humping another male dog again
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Don't judge, you don't know his journey.
  • kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042:
    Just accept you and your dog's gayness
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Nobody was talking to you newbie
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    X must feel like he has his very own Elon with kije
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I wish it was early 2000 when it was okay to still be dicks to each other
  • kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042:
    I'm a dick myself tbh
  • kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042:
    Also who is "X".
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    A micro dick
  • kijetesantakalu042 @ kijetesantakalu042:
    i really don't like elon so stop comparing me to him
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    @kijetesantakalu042, is the new Elon
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    hey guys, I have some exclusive news, the switch 2 will be revealed tomorrow, the event will happen in my bed room, only hot girls allowed
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Okay here's @AncientBoi
    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: